Saturday, December 31, 2011


Well, Happy New year... almost. And goodnight!
The Rambler

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died
The Rambler

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Okay... so it was fine for a couple of days. I mean it was nice to get back to the noise. But I am officially hating these protesters at Indu Mills. I don't know how much of a nuisance the government finds these people, but they are currently running my blood pressure up. I mean... why in the whole wide world would you need a mic to speak to 10 people sitting close to you? And no... I don't want to hear what you say. I am not interested in your opinions and your rights and all that. I would just like to sit in peace and watch Liz Lemon mess up. Or lie at the very edge of my bed and sleep and not be scared of falling off with every shout you give off on your mic. Am I SERIOUSLY asking for too much? Am I? AM I??????????????

Apart from that, its been rather nice to be back home. I missed Bombay sooooo much. And I've realized that there is no other city I would rather be in. I've heard from someone that NYC comes close, but then why would I opt for something that comes close when I've got the real thing all along. :D So, Bombay is the city where I want to make my life. I would obviously like a little less of the above. But then, I guess, its all in a day's work.
I could now moan about my job hunt efforts, but eh... I'd rather talk about fun things here. And I am currently more pissed off than distressed, so don't quite feel like whining.

I could talk about the food. In fact, I will talk about the food. I had the most amazing butter chicken here. Now, if I would have been in England, I would've been served with a sweet saltless curry in the name of the famous dish instead of the mildly spicy yet buttery sweet preparation we get here. I mean... C'mon. Also, there is a wikipedia article on Butter Chicken :D Awesome na?
Anyway, I am glad to be back home. And eat food with appropriate amounts of salt. And no sugar thank you. And non smelling meat. Oh god... it must sound like I really hate the food out there. Actually I only hate the Indian food. And the meats. I have practically turned vegetarian after going there. The thai food there is awesome. The green curries just lip smackingly good. And the garlic prawns and pad thai noodles very satisfying. But the Indian food really disappointed me. I guess I just have really high standards. :D
Anyway, need to get back to some highly boring work. And to continue cursing the people at Indu Mills.
Enjoying some more days of the good life
The Rambler

Friday, December 2, 2011

A day in the library

Ok... So I was in the library, as the post title so nicely suggests. Well, I was in the library trying to pacify my guilt for not being in the library for two days because I was sick from my cold and cough. Someone aptly said, "You know you are a masters student when you feel guilty everytime you relax."
I have assignments due. No surprises there. I want to go attend a bop tonight, but the lack of company and guilt is a strong enough motivator to ensure that I don't. I have a report to finish. And assignments to work on. Yeah, I already mentioned that. Need to go buy milk and bananas tomorrow.
And chips. I have recently learnt that chips and milk can constitute a complete meal. I am quite serious! Check it out sometime.
Anyway, NOT a long post. I am just bored. And I should sleep now.
Till we meet again
The Rambler

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A post long overdue

Yes... Long overdue is this post.
Its 8 pm here in Oxford. Dark. As night should be. But then, it was dark at 5 pm also. So, I really don't know the difference. And apparently its going to get worse. Sunset's going to happen at 3 pm as we move deeper into December.
Birthday's coming up. My first one away from India and the friends I had celebrated my last 4 birthdays with.
Its weird. Well, Diwali was also weird. I mean it was the first time since the last 4 times that I had not made a rangoli in the corridor and made it absolutely impossible for anyone to move through my corridor. Or do the 14 candles thing that I usually do. And light up the corridor. Yeah... there were firecrackers. But on Guy Fawkes day. But then, I'm not a major fan of firecrackers so wasn't missing anything major here.

I spent Guy Fawkes day watching V for Vendetta.

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...

Natalie Portman can sure rock the bald look.
I haven't been able to write anything at all. Been busy with classes and assignments and all that jazz.
Anyway, I did manage to go to London last weekend. Submitted my case study early and made it to London anyhow. Bought a red hat, a red coat and my birthday dress and shoes. :)
Spent the day roaming around Oxford street, Regent street, Piccadilly circus and Covent garden.
In short, a day well spent.
Isn't Covent garden just magical in the evening?
Then we went to China town and had italian food there.
Yes... pretty funny. :)
Apart from that, I have not been roaming around Oxford as much as I would like to. But I have an Oxford Philharmonica concert planned the next week. Which FYI I am awaiting eagerly.
Oh and a formal hall dinner planned this week.
Should be fun. There's morrocan food. :D
Johnny Depp was here. In Oxford. At the Oxford union. And I MISSED IT!!!!!!
My life is sad... :-|
TinTin movie has come out. Which I have to find a way to see before it is pushed out of the theaters. Btw... do watch the Don 2 promo in case you haven't. (Totally off topic I know. But then where do you see the cohesiveness in the rest of this blog entry.)
Have I mentioned before how typing has a relaxing effect on me? I think I have. Its just that when I type on my blog, I don't have to think. I don't have to be grammatically correct. And google chrome being the cool browser it is, prompts me when my spelling is off.
I would certainly become a blogger. If it guaranteed me a steady stream of cash flows.
Arghhhhhhhhhhh.... too much Corporate Finance no?
This is a pretty random post? Ain't it? Well, you gotta take what you get.
I think I am going to sign off before it gets any more random. But increase in random is the state of nature. Since entropy is random. And entropy keeps on increasing. I think its one of the laws of thermodynamics.
Its official. I've become a nerd. Issokay. I'm still a fun nerd.
Signing off
Alternating between David Guetta and Ed Sheeran on Spotify <3
The Rambler

Sunday, October 9, 2011

And life goes on

The water continues to ebb and flow
The sun continues to rise and set low
Into a million pieces the heart can be torn
But inevitably, life does continue to go on

Decisions can be bad, they can be wrong
Choices that can make days tiresome, long
But out of those choices, decisions; life is born
And despite them, life continues to go on

The Rambler

New beginnings.

As one life ends, a new one will begin
As you change cities, new people to win
As you come into a city, sunny and raining
Looking skyward and at my  new beginning

New beginnings eh? Yeah... definitely for me.
I have started cooking for one. Picked up reading again. And lost my enthusiasm for Gossip Girl. 
Started having a proper breakfast made by me. (Today on the menu is bread toast with cream cheese, hot chocolate and chocos with bananas and milk. Fancy eh? Gets fancier if I add raspberries and strawberries.)
Anyway, new beginnings has also brought new people into my life. New interactions. New revelations.
And new studies too. Yeah... definitely a lot of studying. Which I should start with. Once I figure out how to wake up in the morning. 
Yes... other not so nice new things are the fact that its insanely cold here. Ok... maybe its a bit of exaggeration, but I come from Bombay. So, even a tiniest amount of cold weather can probably give me hypothermia. 
Also, it has diminished my enthusiasm for Gossip Girl. Quite sad it is. I used to swear by this show once upon a time. And nowadays, I just watch the episode once. ONCE! And that's that. Quite sad.
It's 6:30 in the morning now. Not even a hint of sunlight.
I need to get ready soon because I need to leave for a class at a place which is a 30 minute walk from my place. So... Need to finish breakfast and get ready and wash dishes and I dunno... do whatever else that I need to do before I get ready. 
Off to face the cold world
Wish me luck
The Rambler

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oxford, Oxfordshire

So, I have finally arrived on the hallowed lands of Oxford. And guess what? Emma Watson supposedly lives 5 minutes from my place. Quite cool ain't it?
Anyway, Oxford is a quite cool place. And not quite as cold as I thought it would be. I need to figure out how to get food though. I am not perpetually hungry like I used to be in BITS. But still. Like take today for example. I just had dinner, and I am hungry again. Okay, maybe I am perpetually hungry. But I don't blame myself. Its cold alright!!!!! Everything gets burnt up faster. Bright side? I am going to lose some weight.
Anyway, I was thinking I haven't posted any poetry for a long time. So, I was thinking of doing it the next weekend. Maybe. If I am not too lazy. Hopefully.
Signing off my first post from Oxford
The Rambler

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Getting ready

So... I am getting ready to go off to uni for my masters. And by getting ready I don't mean packing. I am just watching my mom and dad pack. :) Utterly lazy I have become in the last two months when I was at home with absolutely zilch to do. Hopefully some of the laziness will wear off one the course starts. Else quite frankly, I'm screwed.
Today in US open final at some ungodly hour in the night. I'm not watching. Will try and catch the highlights. I so wanted Federer to be in the finals. Not because I am a Federer fan. But simply because its easier for Nadal to beat Federer than to beat Dokovic. Especially after he has admitted that he has some sort of a mental block against Djokovic.
I know I had made tall claims of writing with a particular topic in mind. But I am not feeling for, against or neutral about anything at the moment. And I was feeling kinda guilty for not writing anything for so long.
Hence all this nonsense.
Anyway, dunno when I'll be able to post again.
Hoping against hope that Nadal wins
Till the next post
The Rambler

Monday, September 5, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The trip that was

So, I'm finally back on Indian lands. And back to blogging.
Some of my favorite moments of the trip:
1. The Sound of music tour at Salzburg and another version of Do, Re, Mi...
2. The Goulash at Budapest
3. The concert at Vienna
4. The Swarovski museum at Innsbruck
5. The musicians on the street
6. The roads of Prague
7. The houses of Prague
8. Wachau Valley
9. Melk Abbey
10. All the complimentary breakfast

Waiting for the next trip
The Rambler

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer, kind of wonderful :-)

Okay... So I haven't really posted anything for a really long time and this too is going to be a really small post. I'm off for a short vacation to Europe and I really don't think I will be posting from there. :-) The trip's the reason for the title of this post. And then in September, I head off for my masters. :-)
Should get some studying done though. Have been feeling extremely guilty about that.
Also, have finally started going to the gym. (Although today was a miss.) I think I have mentioned it in a previous blog post.
Anyway, I should go now... Make some tea I think and get down to studying.
Till after the vacation
The Rambler
P.S. The title is lifted of one of the gossip girl episodes. S02E01. :-) 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Quite an awesome idea

I have six locks on my door all in a row.  When I go out, I lock every other one.  I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three. 

~Elayne Boosler

The Rambler

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gymming, eating, studying and all that blah

Yeah... I started gymming again. I don't know what possessed me to do so. And I am pretty sure my trainer has a secret agenda to kill me. I don't know what different thing he makes me do but by the end of a 40 minute workout, I'm all out. Sigh... The things I do to make my parents stop complaining about the fact that I am getting fat.

Anyway, I have been wondering how absolutely and marvelously wonderful it would be to a food and travel guide. Yeah... I was laying on the bed today in my favorite lazy position and watching something on Travel and Living. And I wondered, why I was working so hard to study and all, when I could just be a food guide. I mean... I love eating. And hopefully that should be the only qualifying criteria, right? Lessee how this plan goes. Maybe after I finish with my studies. :-)
And yeah... I should be studying and all that and not wasting my time on blogging. But c'mon, how could I deprive all those beloved people out there on the internet who are so religiously following my blog. Okay... No one's following my blog. But then, I'm quite bored. And this is kinda fun. As fun as fun gets on a thursday early evening, which incidentally despite being quite bright and sunny has given me terrible cold and cough. The other "fun" option would be to sit and kill ants coming out of my laptop. Yes... ants. My laptop is full of them.

Anyway, I shall be on my way now. Gotta find something useful to do one of these days. Eventually.
The nariyal paani guy did not show up today. :(
Off to have a fight fest with the ants
The Rambler

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One of my favorite pieces of poetry

Daffodils - a poem by by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee;
A poet could not be but gay,
In such a jocund company!
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

The Rambler

Friday, July 15, 2011

Quotable Quotes

In my next life I want to live backwards. You start out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up in an old people’s home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, and then when you start work, you get a gold watch and a party on your first day. You work for 40 years until you’re young enough to enjoy your retirement. You party, drink alcohol, and are generally promiscuous, then you are ready for high school. You then go to primary school, you become a kid, you play. You have no responsibilities, you become a baby until you are born. And then you spend your last 9 months floating in luxurious spa like conditions with central heating and room service on tap, larger quarters every day and then, Voila! You finish off as an orgasm! I rest my case.
- Woody Allen
The Rambler

The Boy who Lived. Come to Die.

So... It all finally comes to an end.
Harry Potter. The boy who lived. Come to die. Well not quite so. He did live to tell the late and did end up killing voldy.
Quite a money making franchise this was. Starting right from the books. I think anyone who's been associated with this has ended up well. Well, maybe not the first few Dumbledores. But eh... everyone else certainly did.
Anyway, I caught the first day second show. First show was at 8:30 am. :-|
I don't think I'm meant to see the first day first show ever. :-(
Anyway, the movie was great. It was waaaaaaaayyy better than all the other previous movies combined together. I mean... yeah... they were a few differences with the book. (Actually I am not sure about the differences since it was so long back that I had read those Harry Potter books) But anyway, the movie was very very good. And I loved Snape. Sir Alan Rickman. :-* The entire sequence of Snape's memories with Snape and Lily was the best part about the movie. And Of course Neville killing Nagini. Oh... And when Molly went "Not my daughter, you bitch" and did away with Lestrange, the theater exploded in applause.
All in all... A good ending. Well the ending I didn't like. But then, I didn't like the ending in the movie itself. But the rest of it was very nice. And the cinematography was simply superb.
Anyway, go watch!
Still saying bubye to the phenomena that Harry Potter was
The Rambler

Monday, July 11, 2011

I hate you (Like I love you)

So... I finally saw Delhi Belly, the English version. Have been meaning to go for it for a long time. And I really liked it. One of the very few Hindi movies I've liked. The movie was such good fun. And I fell out of my chair laughing. So did my dad. :P
Now I waiting to download the movie. :)
Yeah... I pretty much download anything I feel like nowadays. :)
Anyway, got loads to study. :( All I've been doing this afternoon is watching Delhi Belly songs on you tube, reading up on Le 15 Patisserie and applying and sniffing Tiger Balm (which btw, smells absolutely wonderful) So, I take your leave now and atleast try and study.
Off for some study and songs and Nariyal paani
The Rambler

Friday, July 8, 2011

Millennium Series by Steig Larsson

Whenever, I come to post on my blog, I always think I should have some kind of a topic in mind. But as you have noticed, I never do. :) Which is why my blog mostly comprises of whining and swooning. Yeah... The Waaahhhhs and the ooohhhhs. So, this is my first attempt of not going along with the flow, but actually thinking of a topic and writing about it. After all, my blog is supposed to be, and I quote myself, "A systematic record of the chaos inside my head". So here goes nothing:

Well, I have been reading the Millennium series (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who Played with Fire, The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest) by Steig Larsson. I am onto the last and final part of the trilogy. And so far, the books have been way better than awesome. I don't remember the last time I gobbled up a book so fast. I usually take quite some time to read a book, mostly because, I am not one of those continuous readers and partly because I think I suffer from some sort of attention deficiency. But these three books... Well, I just can't stop reading them. I have to read them wherever and whenever I am free. I mean the flow of the books is so good that I just can't keep myself from reading it. I carry it to the bathroom, I read in the car, I read till 1 at night (and I NEVER ever stay up till 1 at night...). So, I'm pretty sure, you get the basic idea that I really like these books. The books are SO DAMN ADDICTIVE!
The books are not for the faint hearted. It has violence, crimes against women, etc etc. But you can take all that and still want to continue with the book and not put it down.
I've also downloaded the movies. Shall watch them after I finish with the books.
Anyway, the main reason for this blog post is to talk about my absolute and complete admiration and respect for Froken Lisbeth Salander. I don't know if Mikael Blomkvist was supposed to be the hero and all according to Steig Larsson (Apparently the character is autobiographical), but she's my hero. I could possibly imagine having a crush on Blomkvist ( I mean I did have a crush on Riyu from Detective School Q when I was a kid, so having crushes on fictional characters is pretty normal for me), but I cannot think beyond Salander while reading the books. She is awesome! In fact she is beyond awesome. Salandar or Wasp (as she prefers to be known on the net and in the kick boxing arena) is an amazing hacker (probably the best... I mean she can get into any system, any computer anywhere), has amazing survival skills, eluded the police sitting right under their noses, is a kick boxer. And killed Zalachenko, the man who didn't exist. Yeah... She's pretty amazing. I just wish she was real. Then I would definitely buy a airticket to go meet her. God bless Larsson's soul for creating her. And yeah... I know... I am talking about a fictional character. But, that doesn't take anything away from the fact that Salandar is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was supposed to be a 10 part series. Sadly all we are left with is a trilogy. So little of Salander. Quite sad.
Anyway, for those of you'll who haven't read this book, you HAVE to. One of the best read I've had till date. Plus with the rainy Bombay weather and a cup of hot tea, I am having an absolutely fabulous time with the book. What more does a girl need?
Off to get some more of Salander till it all comes to an end.
The Rambler

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Nadal used to bite the Wimbledon trophy. All Djokovic did was eat grass from center court.
Yes... I am depressed and whiny that Nadal lost the match. Too terrible it is. And he didn't play how he usually plays. Sniffle.
I am too depressed to write right now. Just finished watching one of the more boring episodes of Gossip Girl on Zee Cafe. Well, I know what happens in the next episode and it is a very interesting one. :-) (Hint: Piano)
Anyway, I am off to bed now prolly.
Why did Nadal have to lose? Why? Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
Here's a picture of Nadal with 9 of his Grand Slams (Only French Open 2011 is missing):

Hoping that Nadal keeps winning them till I can afford a Wimbledon ticket
The Rambler

Monday, June 27, 2011

HBO is awesome

HBO is awesome! Like really really awesome. :D :D It shows all the new movies and more specifically movies which I like watching :D :D So totally cool. :D
Yesterday I was watching Kick Ass on HBO. Have you seen the movie? I absolutely love it! My friends hate it though. :(
Also HBO will be showing the movies which are based on the Millenium series. Too cool na?
Off to watch HBO
The Rambler

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where did the monsoons go?

Where in the whole wide world did the monsoons disappear? Its so hot right now in Bombay and we are nearing the end of June. Its supposed to be raining. That too torrential rain; not light showers. >.<
I need rain and I need it now! Its getting very annoying without the rains to gaze at romantically during the month of June. Or have zero visibility. Or see all the water on the roads.
The terrace of the new house gets awesome rains. :D Its completely open and the you can get drenched just standing out in the terrace. I used to do so on the pretext of getting the cane chairs inside. But now my mom had permanently shifted the cane chairs to the balconies which don't get as much rainfall. Imagine my disappointment.
Tomorrow I go back to school. To visit my teachers and all. Don't worry I am not going back to repeat some of my classes like that sitcom that used to come to star world whose name for some particularly annoying reason I can't remember now. >.<
Anyway, like I said, I am going back to school to check out how its been since I left. And then hopefully get Arrested Development.
And hopefully there will be some rain Saturday onwards.
Waiting for the skies to pour
The Rambler

Sunday, June 19, 2011


This occurred to me yesterday on the way from Dadar to VT:

Ever used the JJ or the recently inaugurated Lalbaug Flyover?
A peep into the homes along, new worlds you discover
The total state of mess that one house resides gleefully in
The pink and white walls, surrounding the kids making a din
The man who sits by the window as I go forth and back
The mother watching the TV as she prepares a light snack
Some have beautiful interiors, some have decaying walls
You can see these worlds better when traffic slowly crawls
And as I get down from the last one, to home back again
The world from the lower heights seems so boring and plain

The Rambler

Lemon Tart

Made Lemon tart yesterday on account of Father's day. :D Came out pretty well. Okay... maybe the crust on the sides got a little more brown than I intended it to. But it tastes awesome. Sometimes I think I should just open a Boulangerie in Paris and settle down. :) Nice life, right? Sipping wine and eating bread in the evening made with my own hands... Ah... only if life could be such. But alas, that's not happening.
Till I open a bakery in France
The Rambler

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My first Bengali Slang word

For those of you unaware, I am a bengali. And proud to be one. Mostly coz of the food. And I guess, a little because of the culture. Anyway, a few days back, I learnt my first Bengali slang word.
Here's how it happened

I wanted to eat maggi and I kept telling my mom, "Give me maaagi"
That in bengali apparently stands for a slut or something like that. My mom told me to not say it but she wouldn't tell me what it meant.
So i kept saying it. Finally she told me to shut me up.
Anyway, I am so proud of myself for finally having learnt one Bengali slang word. 
Off to squeeze some other slang words out of my parents.
The Rambler

X Men First Class and James McAvoy

I just came back home after watching X Men First Class. It was too good. It was also my first X Men movie. I mean I've seen bits and parts of the previous movies on TV. Mostly coz of Hugh Jackman. And I did go to see this movie mostly coz of James McAvoy. But then, I loved the movie. It was absolutely marvelous.
And have I ever told you how much I absolutely adore James McAvoy? I don't know why. But I think... no I'm quite certain I have a huge crush on him. And I don't know why.
Anyway, in case you are a James McAvoy fan too, watch Penelope and Atonement. I have Becoming Jane too. But I haven't seen it as yet. Therefore, shan't recommend it right now.
Anyhow, go watch X Men First Class. Is quite awesome. I need to get hold of the other X Men movies now.
Off to dream about James McAvoy
The Rambler

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just nothing

Well, the rains went and came back again. Its wonderful again. I refused to post anything on my blog till the rains didn't come back. Nyah, nothing like that. I was feeling lazy. As usual. Anyway, done with my project for my internship. Just 4 more working days left for my internship. And that too shall pass. Eventually. Gotta start working on my 3000 piece puzzle in the meanwhile.
Did I tell you? The entire thing fell down. :( All the hardwork wiped away with a gust of wind. Sigh. Had to build the entire thing again.
Oh... and seen this new location thing? I can actually post where I am posting from. So cool! Damn! It should've come when I was in Goa too.
Anyway, I don't have anything particularly important or worthwhile to say. There has been a major increase in the number of women criticizing "blondes" as other women generally like to refer to them as. But I really don't know what the hype is about? I know I get bored if I am stuck with them for more than an hour (And I am a very patient person). But I don't get why anything they do pisses other people off. Everyone has a right to do what they want and all that blah. And I guess everyone has a right to say what they want also. But seriously, if it annoys you SO much, then just don't add them to your facebook account or wherever on the internet they are pissing you off. So Simple no? I am pretty much a genius.
Speaking of no... Nadal won :D :D He's the second youngest to win his tenth grand slam. Will do. I don't mind. As long as he keeps winning them until I can afford a Wimbledon ticket. A more interesting fact about Nadal... He's the first tennis player to model for Armani. He replaced Christiano Ronaldo and David Beckham... I think. Anyway, a photo:
Too hot no? Check out the Armani jeans video too. 
Off to watch easy virtue now. God... I love Colin Firth.
The Rambler

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Yes... I know I haven't really written anything for a very long time. My cousins had come visiting and I was busy hanging out with them and taking their case occasionally. But it was quite nice. We took a trip to Shirdi. And also a trip to Jiggs Kalra at Phoenix Mills (God I love that place!) The best part about the entire meal? The Paan shot at the end.
Anyway, the first rains have finally arrived in Mumbai. Reminds me of this poem I wrote quite sometime back. I guess... I'll put it up now. I hope you like it.

Its titled "The Tempest":

The rain, sinister and callous, surged
The clouds, laden and ominous, poured
The beads, chaste and sheer, fell
From the night firmament towards hell
They cleansed the terrain, the foliage
As if washing away the transgressions and rage
From the arena of contemporary mankind
To ameliorate our digression from the redundant grind
The divinity, showing its wrath
At the narcissistic verve, the soul sought
The thunder, vociferous and antagonistic
The lightning, assailing and frenetic
Striking the hapless milieu
A providence which was not due
The riotous shower showered ceaselessly
As it changed its tenor to benign and kindly
It then, caressed the earth, with an ardour
That was bereft of its bygone gleam of fervour
And as the storm reckoned to a tranquil
I drifted into another world by my window sill

I just love the smell after the first rains.
Waiting to see more of the Monsoons,
The Rambler

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My attempt at Cooking

This was the result of my first attempt at Cooking: Chicken in white wine and mushroom sauce and stir fried veggies. Sadly, no pics of my awesome apple pie were taken. :( But enjoy these for now

Till my next cooking adventure
The Rambler

Chanel Pearls

Need to buy ASAP... Only cash's a problem. :P
Off to gather some money to buy it
The Rambler

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Those annoying taxi drivers

Have you ever lived in Mumbai? Have you ever lived this side of Bandra where the taxi drivers reign? Have you noticed how unspeakably annoying they are? The whole lot of them. Not even one of them is good enough to travel for minimum fare.
Today was the limit. I was already late for office. Despite my most arduous effort to make it on time, yet again. Anyway, not a single one, not even one would stop for me and take me to the Dadar station. Just because it is minimum fare. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Thank god I love my hair too much or I swear I would be pulling it out. And so I trudged in the heat, laptop and charger in my backpack (And hey... the charger adds like 1 kilo to the backpack weight) all the way to the station. All my efforts of putting on gloss and nice kajal washed away with my sweat. Yes, I was sweating like a pig. A big bulbous fat pig! Thank god I was not wearing pink.
At least I got one piece of mercy today and the train arrived on time.
I was cursing those taxi drivers all along the way. Seriously, they are the most annoying people I have ever faced in my life.
Waiting not to take another taxi ride in my life EVER
The Rambler

Monday, May 9, 2011


Call me a nerd or the goddess of nerdness if you wanna, but is there anything better than stationery? I mean, come on, the smell of the fresh pages of the book when you open it for the first time, the crisp ink that flows out of the nib of the just recently filled ink pen (or blots as the case may be ), the sharpness of the tip of a newly sharpened pencil... I mean its all wonderful...isn't it?
I have been collecting stationery since god knows when. I love collecting flags of different types, stick ons of different color, staplers, punchers... You name it and I have it or I'll buy it.
I love spending hours at the stationery shop. I have so much fun trying out each pen. Be it glitter pens, Ball pens, Ink pens, Roller ball pens, etc etc... Yeah, I know, I know too many pens for my own good. Sad it is. But then, it is SO MUCH FUNNNNNNNN
I love spiral notebooks. They are so much easier to fold and write into. And you can keep a pen where the spiral is. You know what I like more than Spiral notebooks? Spiral notebooks with dividers in them for different sections. Super cool they are.
Sometimes I think, the only reason I attend classes are so I can use my stationery.
And I use my books so that I can adorn them with flags.
And I take notes so that I can see the ink flowing out of the pen onto the paper.

The blue looks so brilliant
The black so sombre and deep
The red, displaying flamboyance
As the pens across the paper sweep

Yes... stationery does have the power to inspire poetic thoughts in me. Complete slave I become when I see a stationery shop. And ask the shopkeepers to get me to show everything they have. Until my mother literally drags me out of the shop. Ok... not literally. But then she is my funding source for stationery...
Stationery gives kind of a high. On my recent trip to London I spent some 10 pounds on stationery... :-| I know... Should trim down on such frivolous spendings... But it was a red LSE notebook and a red folder... I didn't have those with me. :P Well, my mom wasn't convinced with that reason anyway. And the worst part is,  I doubt I am ever going to use that notebook... Its so prettyyyyyyyyyy
I think I have waxed poetic enough (is that correct english???) on Stationery. I should stop. Maybe not. No I should... Arghhhhhhhhhh
Till my next quota of stationery shopping
The Rambler

Sunday, May 8, 2011

To do list if and when I have money to spare

I think I am going back to my old lazy days of not posting on the blog. What to do? I blame it on my genes. I am definitely sure that there's a laziness gene. When and if I make enough money, I am going to sponsor a research on this. Definitely! On the top of my to do list when you have money to spare.
And since we are on the topic of things to do when and if I have money to spare, here's the entire list:

1. Fund a research on the laziness gene
2. Buy a Buggati Veyron
3. Buy a Berkin
4. Buy one dress from Oscar de la Renta, Elie Saab and Marchesa each
5. Buy Cartier jewelery and Harry Winston diamonds
6. Open a Swiss Bank account
7. Buy a house on the Upper East Side, French Riviera and Monaco
8. Buy a dress made of French Chantilly lace
9. Go eat at all those restaurants which I had mentioned in an earlier post
10. Open an ice cream place where they make all kinds of icecream except butterscotch
11. Buy a Belgian chocolate making factory
12. Get my own sushi chef
13. Get my own Chuck Bass and Mr. Darcy
14. Get J.K. Rowling to change the ending of the last Harry Potter book
15. Watch a Wimbledon final

I guess Money can buy happiness. If not, it can compensate in some awesome ways. :P
Well, I wanna add some more points to this list. But right now, this is where the list stands.
Lessee how the plan goes.
Till we meet again
The Rambler

Monday, May 2, 2011

UNCLE CHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know why railways are the best form of train travel? Coz, you get things that you would never get otherwise. Like the packets of Uncle Chips I found today at one stall at Kanjurmarg station. Uncle Chips isn't available in major fault with this city. It wasn't available until now anyway.
So, this guy who owns the stall... He has all these different brands of chips... ONLY CHIPS. So today, I found my precious Uncle Chips. :D :D
I was going to buy 10 packets. But then carrying them would've been a problem. (Plus, I think I would've looked a little crazy) So I bought only two. However, I finished one on the way. :( Too much of a glutton I am... Sigh. What to do now?
Anyway, I've decided to buy 2 packets everyday and stock up.
Also, the world is ending on May 20th... so I should satiate my greed for Uncle Chips before I die. :) And watch Pirates of the 3D. My parents refuse to come with me to watch the Pirates of the Caribbean in 3D... I think they wouldn't watch it even if it were in 1D... the sadness. Anyway, I've been asking people to go see the movie with me. I like company while watching movies... So right now hopefully Raghu will come watch the movie with me. :)
Anyway, gotta go now.
Dinner beckons
Till my next dose of uncle chips
The Rambler

Friday, April 29, 2011

A royal affair

Will and Kate got married... I loved the dress... I thought it was brilliant in its simplicity. I liked Pippa Middleton's dress too.
I used to like Prince William... But now he looks old. And I've never been crazy over Harry... not like I have him swooning over me... But whatever. :P
Anyway, I have been busy pinning on
Go join!
Waiting for some new royal to swoon over
The Rambler

Sunday, April 24, 2011

From one lazy sunday to the next

Ya Ya... Long time no see.
I dunno why I didn't write for so long. I mean. I wasn't doing anything particularly interesting, apart from the puzzle (I've almost completed one edge of the puzzle :D ) And the gossip girl episode was also not too interesting that I would be watching that all over again. Plus, I had a 3 day weekend. But then again, I didn't have anything interesting to write about.
I've just discovered that I have unlimited download on my broadband plan. So, I'm on a song downloading spree. :D
Apart from that, the modern family episode this week was hilarious. from start to finish. Haven't really ever talked about this show. But I really like this show. Reminds me of Arrested development.
I had a particularly heavy gujju (Gujarati) lunch at Soam today. And to top the awesome lunch, I had an awesome bowl of aam ras. Too divine it was. :D And I had that much required afternoon siesta to make the lunch a super duper success. :D

Oh... And we've got Hapus (Alphonsoes) Aren't they the best ever? I just love their smell and taste. Too good they are. Best Mangoes EVERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
And I've had two yesterday. And the Aam Ras today was made of Hapus. And I'm going to have one today.
I feel blessed. :)

Anyway, off to download some more music
Waiting for my next Hapus installment
The Rambler

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chefs whose food I would love to taste

This post was in the making for quite some time...with all the time that I spend watching all the shows such as Top chef and the TLC channel... So here goes:
1. Hubert Keller: I have to have the $5000 burger that he makes... And I have to go to Fluer de Lys. I recently read on Wikipedia that he's an accomplished A dj who can cook. What more can there be to life apart from good food and good music.
2. Joël Robuchon: The chef of the century. Of course he has to feature in this list. It would be incomplete with him. The chef with 26 Michelin stars, the highest for any chef. He has to definitely feature in my list. Though he says there is no such thing as a perfect meal, I'm sure his' comes pretty close to it. 
3. Daniel Boulud: I saw him on Top Chef on a particular snail challenge. I dunno. Made me very curious about his food. 
4. Thomas Keller: French Laundry. Period. 
5. Gordon Ramsay: I fell in love with this guy when I started watching Hell's Kitchen. And I know he is really not the most good looking guy on earth, but I have a crush on him. Also, the fact that he ain't too bad a cook gives him brownie points. :P But, yeah. His food is something I would love to taste. I came pretty close to tasting it at Heathrow, but then I went ahead and spent all the remainder of my money on chocolates. So meh. 
6. Guy Savoy: He was one of the first names I heard when my curiosity about food and chefs was increasing. Well, anyway, I gotta eat food cooked by him at the Guy Savoy restaurant in Paris. 
7. Mario Batali: Another name that was mentioned during Julie and Julia, albeit for just a fleeting second. But nevertheless, many internet searches and surfs later, he makes an appearance on this list. 
8. Jacques Pepin: Did you know he has an MA from Columbia? WOW. And he is a brilliant chef, from what I've read. Have to eat food cooked by him!
9. Wolfgang Puck: Saw him on Top Chef. Looked him up on the internet. Knew I had to taste food cooked by him.
10. Julia Child: I know its not possible. But hey...everyone can dream. I learnt about Julia Child after the movie Julie and Julia. And it was prolly the movie which made me want to taste her food. :)
11. René Redzepi: Well, the list wouldn't be complete without the chef at Noma. I have to eat at the restaurant to be ranked No.1 in 2010.
12. Heston Blumenthal: I saw him on Master Chef Australia recently and I was quite in awe. For someone so famous, he was quite humble. And his food...oh god. And even though the idea of eating snails completely grosses me out, his snail porridge looked quite delectable. 
13. Ferran Adrià i Acosta: Last heard El Bulli was closing. This is heartbreaking news for me. I won't get to taste the food of the restaurant that has been ranked No.1 for a record 5 times. Woe betide me!!! :'(
14. Hemant Oberoi: Wasabiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :P Well, its the only one which won't cost me airfare. Only problem is to convince my parents to have raw seafood. 
15 Iron Chef Sakai: I should not die without tasting his food atleast. I mean he's the last IRON CHEF 

This is not a very comprehensive list. I mean...  there are so many chefs whose food I want to taste and so many restaurants I want to go to. So wish me luck.
Waiting for some good food
The Rambler

Sunday afternoon

Well, I don't have any substantial matter to dwell upon right now. So I am just going to be...I dunno... rambling?
Lets put whats going on inside my head down in points. Since this is after all a systematic record of the chaos inside my head. :)
1. Gossip Girl starts day after... finally!
2. I don't wanna work right now
3. I am sleepy
4. I should finish my 3000 piece puzzle.
5. I should finish reading all the unread mails in all my mail boxes
6. I should write some poems
7. I should comb my hair
8. I need some new songs to listen to
9. I shouldn't waste time on a Sunday on nonconstructive activities like Blogging
10.  I should read more books
11.  Gossip Girl starts day after

11 points... coz 10 are just not enough :P
P.S. Please make Blair get engaged to Chuck
Ah well,
Off to find something useful to do on this rather lazy and bright Sunday afternoon
The Rambler

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Before I sleep

Well...I've postponed reading 7 Habits... for now.
I've started with Black Swan by Taleb.
Seems like an interesting books. Will let you know once I finish.
Anyway, I'm off to sleep now.
The Rambler

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Neck exercise

So...this is supposed to be a neck exercise while sitting on the comp, but I got a sprain in my neck. So, before I go apply some Volini on my neck, which I am currently trying not to move too much, here it is:
Off to find some Volini
The Rambler

Monday, April 11, 2011


So... I just saw this new promo and I love it!!!!!!!! It made my wait for gossip girl a little more painful :-|
Anyway, enjoy:,,20480920,00.html

The Rambler


I just read some gossip girl spoilers and they were kinda sad. I mean, no Blair and Chuck. :(
Here is the link:
Anyway, I finished reading 'One hundred years of Solitude' and am onto '7 Habits of highly effective people' by Stephen Covey. I loved 'One Hundred years of Solitude' by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The book is brilliant. Sexist, but brilliant. The poverty which he has written about is so...ummm...poetic.
And I absolutely loved the ending. It was such a brilliant ending. See... you can guess that I thought that the book was brilliant by the number of times I use brilliant. :P
And my favorite line was the last line of the last chapter:
Because races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth

Now onto '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' by Stephen Covey. Another birthday present.
Don't books make the best birthday presents ever? I love getting books for my birthday. :D
Right now I have work to do, people to catch up with, essays to write, Chuck and Blair to follow.
And yet, here I sit rambling away about books. And there ain't a bone in my body apologetic about it. :D
As much as I'd like to stay and ramble and rant and what not, I gotta go.
Waiting for my next set of birthday books
The Rambler

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Template

Yes...I know... I changed my blog template.
Yet again. Check out the link btw.
My blog looks so cool!!!!
Anyway, I just changed my blog look coz I got so bored of it. :D I guess I like change.
Tomorrow I meet Prajju! Fun times! :D
I am desperate for some gossip girl right now. I miss Chuck and Blair together and otherwise too much and I REALLY wanna see him chase her. Its been so long since he has chased her. Those were the fun happy times of season 1 and 2.
Anyway, high time I got to see some Blair Chuck action. I'm DYING here.
This pic is of one of my most favorite scenes of any TV show or movie. The other one being the Paris station scene from s04e02. The scene above... Its just so romantic. Sighhhhhhhhhhhh. And the station scene... I don't know if its Paris or Chuck or Blair or the gorgeous Oscar de la Renta that Blair is wearing or simply the chemistry between the two, but I JUST LOVE THAT SCENE!!!!! A pic:

To tell the truth, I like any scene which has Blair and Chuck in it. :P But that's a different story altogether.
In the meanwhile, I got a 3000 piece puzzle to keep me company. I have decided I am never going to finish it. I will either go crazy or grow old doing it and I don't think I can become crazier so, am giving it to my grandkids. :)

Waiting for the new Gossip Girl episode
The Rambler

Sunday, April 3, 2011


So India won... And what a win it was. Absolutely Brilliant!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I have been just drawn to the fact how Cricket can be such a team building factor. I mean, you can argue and agree over it.
Anyway, world cup got even a tennis addict like me interested. And it was so much fun.
I was watching it in the office the other day (Yes, the office... They had put up TVs) and it was the India Pakistan match and the entire office was there (Of course, they were having their lunch) and it was SIMPLY AWESOME!
Anyway, like I was saying... Cricket is awesome for team building. :) It is anyway in a cricket crazy country like India.
On another note, I feel like I have neglected poetry for long... so here goes. Not one of my best work... but nevertheless.

I stand on the terrace, silent and cold
I see the buildings, dominating and bold
I feel the wind, not stopping for me
Flowing without barriers, flowing so free

I see the sea link, decked up with light
I see the cars on it, look like without might
I feel the wind across my face, like the passing car
Which feels it as it travels near and far

I dare not look down, from so high up here
I dare to look far away to calm my fear
I dare to look at the chimney spewing fire
Located amidst the dark and thick concrete mire

I go back inside as my mother calls out my name
Away from comtemplation, and fear which can maim
And as I sit away from freedom, safe from height
I crave the contemplative cacophony of the night

The Rambler

Thursday, March 24, 2011

side note

My first attempt at cooking was a success. Shall post pics soon. Next on the list: Pumpkin Soup
Till my next cooking adventure
The Rambler

after a long time

Well, I know I am posting after a long time. Not my fault. Actually it is my fault, but I am trying to make some lame excuse if I can come up with it.
Anyway, I got lost at the station today. I also forgot where the first class compartment was, so I had to get into the second class compartment. No worries though. Not too many people wanted to get into the train. I guess it was coz it was only going to Dadar.
Anyway, I have noticed that a lot of people carry Blackberries in the train. Nice!
Also, stations and trains seem to be this place where couples meet, chit chat, go for a walk (in the train or station and not the proverbial park). Good for them I guess. This is what space constraints in a crowded city like Bombay does to you.
I have just realized that I haven't written poetry for a long time. A very long time. Sigh. This weekend then. Anyway, my plans for making macarons have been postponed to next weekend since my mom said my ingredients for macarons would disrupt her domestic expense plans. Plus, she doesn't trust me to make macarons. What hard times!
I was watching the top 10 diners on TLC (My absolutely favoritest channel EVER!) yesterday and I realized with shame that I still hadn't completed the list of my top chefs. Sigh. So many things to do. So little time.
I have begun compiling a list of books that I wanna read. The list already runs to some 10 pages long and I am nowhere near completing it. Of course those 10 pages are from my diary, but my diary ain't minuscule, so the list is PRETTY DAMN LONG. (Reminds me of a gossip girl line on PDA, but nevermind.)
Which reminds me its been so long since I have re-watched any of the gossip girl episodes. I wanna, but I am really not sure whether the show is family friendly or not. :P
Anyway, It returns, April 18th I think and Chuck will be chasing Blair. I am so gonna love it!!!!!!

After that digressiveness, let me come back to books. Aren't they the best things ever? I am currently reading One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the book is just so poetic. The poverty, the war, everything has a certain... let's say romance in it. I know, the book is extremely sexist. But then, I quite like it. Thank you Rameez for the book!
Anyway, I shall return to watching the match on my new HD TV. :D
The TV is the only reason I am watching the cricket match. I'd rather watch Tennis. Talking of tennis...Somdev Devarraman... good going!
And I absolutely hate Djokovic for defeating Nadal in the finals.:-|
Waiting for Chuck to chase Blair
The Rambler

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Ah well, I have decided to learn to cook now. It maybe a passing whim. But I am going to do it. So menu for tonight is Chicken with mushroom sauce and for the next weekend Macarons. :D
God Save my parents. :-|
Ah well, hopefully I should be able to come up with something tasty and which looks decent.
Anyway, I have decided to end my years in the dark world wher I don't know how to cook. And so it is. My parents will be the ones trying out my experiments. My condolences to them.
I have been known to love food most of my life. (yeah, there was a time when I was skinny and I hated eating. ) However, when it comes to cooking, sadly, I have shown my skills to be terrible. I mean, I know I make horrible coffee and I make poor Lakshmy (who is used to the comfort of filter coffee) drink it.
So now, the great new era has dawned. I shall become a super awesome chef. Prolly participate in masterchef and top chef. Or maybe not.
Anyway, to cook, I shall learn.
Right now is my research stage.
I am searching for good (and easy) chicken in mushroom sauce recipes. I tried looking up a Gordon Ramsey recipe, but it was too high funda for me. Sigh, if only good tasters were also good cooks. But alas...
Anyway, back to looking up recipes.
The Rambler

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I had just gotten off my train at Dadar, when all of sudden, there were these shouts. And I saw these two men hurling abuses at each other. Being the gossip queen that I am (Modesty is a waste of effort here. ) I immediately recognized what had the potential of being an amazing fight sequence. Better than any of the shit Hollywood produces. Much like Hugh Grant and Colin Firth's fight in Bridget Jones' Diary. Part 1 and 2! (sighhhhhhhhhh Colin Firth <3. But more about that later. ) Anyway, just like I had predicted (Damn...why is no one there when one predicts such amazing things. ) the two men started fighting like a bunch of girls. One of them was bald, so sadly there was no hair pulling. Anyway, after the verbal abuse, one of the guys challenged the other one. And the other one must've said "Yeah, I did! SO WHAT?" So, this bald guy went and slapped the non bald guy. And yeah, it was a slap. Not a punch, but a girlie slap. :) I guess, I'll have to agree with Hugh Grant. When men fight, they fight like a bunch of bitchy little girls.
So, anyway, I was on the staircase when the fight started. All of us on the staircase stopped. And all of us on the staircase turned. And all of us on the staircase listened. And all of us on the staircase saw. I guess... you get the idea by now.
Anyway, the people surrounding the two new guys were shouting out loud. But not one...yes... NOT EVEN ONE was trying to break up the fight. I would rather think they were encouraging it.
I myself would've liked to stay longer and observed it. But, sadly I think, a train arrived at that very particular moment and some guy shouted "chalo chalo" Hindi for keep going. So, alas, I had to leave the very engaging scene. And get onto the crowded bridge and make way to the outside of the station.
But fun it was. :P
Anyway, I am sitting here, typing away, drinking sprite and with a presentation due tomorrow.
But I'm happy.
Waiting for my next girlie man fight
The Rambler