Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gymming, eating, studying and all that blah

Yeah... I started gymming again. I don't know what possessed me to do so. And I am pretty sure my trainer has a secret agenda to kill me. I don't know what different thing he makes me do but by the end of a 40 minute workout, I'm all out. Sigh... The things I do to make my parents stop complaining about the fact that I am getting fat.

Anyway, I have been wondering how absolutely and marvelously wonderful it would be to a food and travel guide. Yeah... I was laying on the bed today in my favorite lazy position and watching something on Travel and Living. And I wondered, why I was working so hard to study and all, when I could just be a food guide. I mean... I love eating. And hopefully that should be the only qualifying criteria, right? Lessee how this plan goes. Maybe after I finish with my studies. :-)
And yeah... I should be studying and all that and not wasting my time on blogging. But c'mon, how could I deprive all those beloved people out there on the internet who are so religiously following my blog. Okay... No one's following my blog. But then, I'm quite bored. And this is kinda fun. As fun as fun gets on a thursday early evening, which incidentally despite being quite bright and sunny has given me terrible cold and cough. The other "fun" option would be to sit and kill ants coming out of my laptop. Yes... ants. My laptop is full of them.

Anyway, I shall be on my way now. Gotta find something useful to do one of these days. Eventually.
The nariyal paani guy did not show up today. :(
Off to have a fight fest with the ants
The Rambler

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One of my favorite pieces of poetry

Daffodils - a poem by by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee;
A poet could not be but gay,
In such a jocund company!
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

The Rambler

Friday, July 15, 2011

Quotable Quotes

In my next life I want to live backwards. You start out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up in an old people’s home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, and then when you start work, you get a gold watch and a party on your first day. You work for 40 years until you’re young enough to enjoy your retirement. You party, drink alcohol, and are generally promiscuous, then you are ready for high school. You then go to primary school, you become a kid, you play. You have no responsibilities, you become a baby until you are born. And then you spend your last 9 months floating in luxurious spa like conditions with central heating and room service on tap, larger quarters every day and then, Voila! You finish off as an orgasm! I rest my case.
- Woody Allen
The Rambler

The Boy who Lived. Come to Die.

So... It all finally comes to an end.
Harry Potter. The boy who lived. Come to die. Well not quite so. He did live to tell the late and did end up killing voldy.
Quite a money making franchise this was. Starting right from the books. I think anyone who's been associated with this has ended up well. Well, maybe not the first few Dumbledores. But eh... everyone else certainly did.
Anyway, I caught the first day second show. First show was at 8:30 am. :-|
I don't think I'm meant to see the first day first show ever. :-(
Anyway, the movie was great. It was waaaaaaaayyy better than all the other previous movies combined together. I mean... yeah... they were a few differences with the book. (Actually I am not sure about the differences since it was so long back that I had read those Harry Potter books) But anyway, the movie was very very good. And I loved Snape. Sir Alan Rickman. :-* The entire sequence of Snape's memories with Snape and Lily was the best part about the movie. And Of course Neville killing Nagini. Oh... And when Molly went "Not my daughter, you bitch" and did away with Lestrange, the theater exploded in applause.
All in all... A good ending. Well the ending I didn't like. But then, I didn't like the ending in the movie itself. But the rest of it was very nice. And the cinematography was simply superb.
Anyway, go watch!
Still saying bubye to the phenomena that Harry Potter was
The Rambler

Monday, July 11, 2011

I hate you (Like I love you)

So... I finally saw Delhi Belly, the English version. Have been meaning to go for it for a long time. And I really liked it. One of the very few Hindi movies I've liked. The movie was such good fun. And I fell out of my chair laughing. So did my dad. :P
Now I waiting to download the movie. :)
Yeah... I pretty much download anything I feel like nowadays. :)
Anyway, got loads to study. :( All I've been doing this afternoon is watching Delhi Belly songs on you tube, reading up on Le 15 Patisserie and applying and sniffing Tiger Balm (which btw, smells absolutely wonderful) So, I take your leave now and atleast try and study.
Off for some study and songs and Nariyal paani
The Rambler

Friday, July 8, 2011

Millennium Series by Steig Larsson

Whenever, I come to post on my blog, I always think I should have some kind of a topic in mind. But as you have noticed, I never do. :) Which is why my blog mostly comprises of whining and swooning. Yeah... The Waaahhhhs and the ooohhhhs. So, this is my first attempt of not going along with the flow, but actually thinking of a topic and writing about it. After all, my blog is supposed to be, and I quote myself, "A systematic record of the chaos inside my head". So here goes nothing:

Well, I have been reading the Millennium series (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who Played with Fire, The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest) by Steig Larsson. I am onto the last and final part of the trilogy. And so far, the books have been way better than awesome. I don't remember the last time I gobbled up a book so fast. I usually take quite some time to read a book, mostly because, I am not one of those continuous readers and partly because I think I suffer from some sort of attention deficiency. But these three books... Well, I just can't stop reading them. I have to read them wherever and whenever I am free. I mean the flow of the books is so good that I just can't keep myself from reading it. I carry it to the bathroom, I read in the car, I read till 1 at night (and I NEVER ever stay up till 1 at night...). So, I'm pretty sure, you get the basic idea that I really like these books. The books are SO DAMN ADDICTIVE!
The books are not for the faint hearted. It has violence, crimes against women, etc etc. But you can take all that and still want to continue with the book and not put it down.
I've also downloaded the movies. Shall watch them after I finish with the books.
Anyway, the main reason for this blog post is to talk about my absolute and complete admiration and respect for Froken Lisbeth Salander. I don't know if Mikael Blomkvist was supposed to be the hero and all according to Steig Larsson (Apparently the character is autobiographical), but she's my hero. I could possibly imagine having a crush on Blomkvist ( I mean I did have a crush on Riyu from Detective School Q when I was a kid, so having crushes on fictional characters is pretty normal for me), but I cannot think beyond Salander while reading the books. She is awesome! In fact she is beyond awesome. Salandar or Wasp (as she prefers to be known on the net and in the kick boxing arena) is an amazing hacker (probably the best... I mean she can get into any system, any computer anywhere), has amazing survival skills, eluded the police sitting right under their noses, is a kick boxer. And killed Zalachenko, the man who didn't exist. Yeah... She's pretty amazing. I just wish she was real. Then I would definitely buy a airticket to go meet her. God bless Larsson's soul for creating her. And yeah... I know... I am talking about a fictional character. But, that doesn't take anything away from the fact that Salandar is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was supposed to be a 10 part series. Sadly all we are left with is a trilogy. So little of Salander. Quite sad.
Anyway, for those of you'll who haven't read this book, you HAVE to. One of the best read I've had till date. Plus with the rainy Bombay weather and a cup of hot tea, I am having an absolutely fabulous time with the book. What more does a girl need?
Off to get some more of Salander till it all comes to an end.
The Rambler

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Nadal used to bite the Wimbledon trophy. All Djokovic did was eat grass from center court.
Yes... I am depressed and whiny that Nadal lost the match. Too terrible it is. And he didn't play how he usually plays. Sniffle.
I am too depressed to write right now. Just finished watching one of the more boring episodes of Gossip Girl on Zee Cafe. Well, I know what happens in the next episode and it is a very interesting one. :-) (Hint: Piano)
Anyway, I am off to bed now prolly.
Why did Nadal have to lose? Why? Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
Here's a picture of Nadal with 9 of his Grand Slams (Only French Open 2011 is missing):

Hoping that Nadal keeps winning them till I can afford a Wimbledon ticket
The Rambler