Monday, December 31, 2012

New year greetings

Happy new year everyone.  New year resolution is not to make any resolutions.  Looks like I am failing already. 

The Rambler

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Something to ponder over given the current situation in the country.

Ivan Krastev: Can democracy exist without trust? #TED :

The Rambler

Friday, December 21, 2012

This Is The End - Red Band Trailer

James Franco. Always a fan.

The Rambler

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Crimes against women

India has always been a land of hypocritical morals when it comes to women. At one end, we see men worshipping goddesses such as Lakshmi, Parvati, Saraswati, etc. On the other hand, we see heinous crimes such as rapes taking place in apparently safe places such as public transport.
Women in India must not be new to eve teasing, staring, inappropriate touching, etc. But we learn to deal with it. Since it doesn't kill us, it obviously makes us stronger. But where will this stop? What will it take for it to stop? It started from the days of Draupadi when she was shared among five guys. I mean c'mon. Even our mythology isn't bereft of misogyny.
With politicians blaming the intermixing of girls and guys for the increase in sexual crimes to lowering the age for marriage for girls as a solution to an end these horrible acts, the blame is always put on the female. I mean, how will lowering the marriage age for girls help prevent this act? It is not a question of whether girls are horny or not. A rape within a marriage is still a rape. It is still against the wishes of the woman. The girls are not the perpetrators of these obscene acts. They are just the victims.
I think a major reason for this state of affairs is the huge taboo associated with sex. While everyone in the country is doing it, it is still not a good thing to talk about it out of the closed doors of the house. Why the huge silence when it comes to these things when we are where Kamasutra took birth, something that is celebrated worldwide? This taboo is making sex a dirty word and as a result a dirty act, when actually it is supposed to be something beautiful.
But, I am not here to comment on how the society works and why it does what. I am just mad. As a female I take offence when society refuses to respect another woman and her body. I do know that people will say that this one act is not representative of the entire society. But what the hell! The society isn't doing anything to protect the Indian woman either.
I am an only daughter. My parents are afraid to let me out. And I don't blame them. Which parent wouldn't be in the current state India is in. In doing what the Indian society is doing, it is actually curbing the rights of the Indian woman to move about freely, dress as she likes and do even something as simple as get a drink at a pub.
I would like to point out that in the whole Indian society, Bengal and Kerala stand out. Bengal, barring madam Mamta's statement, has always been a progressive society. Maybe it is because of our excessive emphasis on the development of the mind. But never in a Bengali household will you see a woman fasting for her husband or putting her husband on a pedestal and touching his feet. A wife is an equal life partner. All the hindi serials that you see will show the wives worshipping their husband, keeping that inane Karva Chauth fast and all other kinds of bullshit. I have a whole post on how asinine those shows are. But thats for another time. But bengalis truly adore their daughters and wives. Another household is that of a keralite. Kerala is a matriarchal society, so that's a whole different ball game. But my basic point is, much of the Indian society's perception of woman is based upon the fact that women are generally not treated as equal life partners. And that needs to change. Fast.
One last thing. I am just at a failure to understand the logic behind carrying out such abominable acts. Do these men really think they can get away with something like this? Do they think a woman is going to keep quiet once you have completely ravished her modesty and left her humiliated? Do you really think women are that weak?
I know I have said a lot in this post and I know there will be lots of people who might not agree with everything I say. But then, I am just some unknown blogger in the world wide web. And this article is just my view. But I do hope, that I get a chance to just be my free self, sometime, very early in the future. And these hypocritical standards to which women in India have to adhere to is done away with.
My thoughts with all the girls who have endured men and their atrocities. If I had a choice, I would have them castrated. But then, I don't think I would ever get elected into a position of power. Because, we are a country of men. And men will do anything to keep women from getting into power. Because, they are afraid of becoming redundant (especially with stem cell research which shows that we don't really need men to reproduce) The only reason men are relevant today is because women still keep them relevant.
The men who were the perpetrators of this crime will in most probability be punished. But imagine the same crime being committed by men or boys coming from the upper strata of the society and being well connected. Would the nation be crying out with the same outrage? Would the politicians be denouncing it loudly on public forums? Would we even get to know about it? There are thousands of sexual crimes committed against women all over India. And yet, we get to be up in arms about only the ones which the media tells us about. The hue and cry will persist till the media finds something more sensational to report about. And then what? All of us will go back to our lives. And she will have to live with the agony of what happened.
A final word though, maybe in India, the lack of respect for women is in your face. But it exists elsewhere too:

If you find this post feminist or sexist or racist, its fine by me. I am an Indian girl. And I get to be all of them.

The Rambler

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The last task

A field blossoming with Posies, 
Enwrought with scarlet blood
She walked, her feet dragging
As she remembered all the slung mud

The black hood covering the scar
The crippling fear embalming the pain
The dark agony never to be erased
The shine of the dagger cleaned by rain

She was a simple village woman
Driven to her present dire strait
She could be any other woman
Someone without the repulsive fate

A simple village woman, captured
Traded and tormented, treated as a good
Sold in the market, used and abused
She never really enjoyed her womanhood

She endured it long, she endured each test
She endured the pain, the humiliation
Until the day she could endure no more
She freed her soul from the encapsulation

And so she was walking through the field
Unknown fears about the place, so new
The blood surrounding her, so red
When at the end, she saw what was due

She had a chance, to set things right
She had a chance to get what was hers
She just needed to go back one last time
And add to the field of blood tears

So, go back she did, back one more time
To give the dagger a chance to nourish
To be able to silence those who strangled her
Before she could truly and completely perish

The Rambler

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Too many people I know are getting married. Not conducive for my peace of mind.

The Rambler.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The need for chaos and anarchy

‎" Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.." : Harry Lime, The Third Man.

Such a wonderful thought. I know there would be lots of people who would disagree with this line of thought. Foremost would be the people who actually lived during the time when the Borgias ruled. But maybe chaos and anarchy do give rise to the development of arts and science. Or is it just that you recognise the talents and creations more effectively when you are surrounded by pandemonium. After all, the shine of a diamond is most evident when placed in mud and not among other diamonds.

Here is an interesting article on this topic:

As the article explains, people are apprehensive about admitting that art can flourish under tyranny for the simple reason that freedom will appear to be overrated if that was the case. Though contrary to the article, my view is that art flourishes under despotism for the simple reason that despotism can illicit in a person strong feelings and emotions, something that is central to the development of art. All forms of art, be it written or graphical is the result of acute belief in an idea and the strong emotion to give that idea a physical form. And autocracy is just a basis to develop these emotions. The emotions of competition, rivalry, anathema, abomination among others are absent from a democratic harmonious setting which will lead to cultural desolation.

Conflict and antagonism seem to have a more conducive effect on the development of culture and art forms when compared to harmony. I am an example of this. I feel that my writing flourishes whenever I am in a state of despair and desolation. Like now. I am strung out since I don't have a job. And I have suddenly writing with a voracious appetite. I was similarly under a major amount of stress when I had my last creative spell. When I am happy, I am unable to coin anything. I stare blankly at the paper and words refuse to form in my head. But in moments such as these, I attain a clear perception of my feelings and my need to emote through words. And I begin writing. I write as if that is the only thing I like doing. I write for large parts of the day. And I am not tired of it. There are so many ideas that I want to put on paper. And so I do. My states of stress and tension has the capability to awaken the writer in me. And I am glad about it. Because, I really do love writing. But I cannot write until and unless I feel something forceful enough.

Though the original statement is not accurate since the cuckoo clock came later and the Swiss were a major military power, but the statement is still quite strong and gives form to an idea which has been prevalent. The core of the statement, the idea that culture and its development seek antagonism is quite emphatic and calls for attention.

Leaving you with something to think about.

The Rambler

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The joy of writing

I was going through my blog and I realised how much I missed writing. I really do miss it terribly. It is a shame that I don't write more. I really should. But something always seems to come up.

Anyway, here I am. Writing.
Doing one of the things that I adore.
I have work to do. Stuff to study.
But here I am, writing.

I find writing to be extremely soothing. Its one of those things which can calm you immediately. The other is probably sedatives. Its an outlet for all the rage and joy and sorrow. Its cathartic for those who need the catharsis. Its rejuvenating for those who are exhausted from their worldly activities. Its energizing for those who are down. In short, its the miracle drug. Capable of bringing out your best and guiding you through your worst.

What you write is hardly important. What is more important is that you write. You write what you truly feel. From your heart. And in doing that, you grow. You research for what you write. Your knowledge grows. You contemplate what you write. In that, your acuity grows. Writing is, and will always be, the best way for growth.

I like writing. Be it poetry. Be it verse. Be it any style. Fiction. Non-fiction. Opinion. By writing you transform the chaos inside your head into something concrete. Something worthwhile. All those thoughts weren't complete rubbish. And you have proof that it isn't time wasted. Its been utilised to contemplate and conclude.

Writing is that place of solace
That is warm and inviting
In writing you find your Nirvana,
And so here I am, writing.

The Rambler

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kimberly Couzens: 10 Things Gossip Girl Taught Me About Fashion

Amen to that!

‎"Fashion is the most powerful art there is. It's movement, design and architecture all in one. It shows the world who we are and who we'd like to be,"

- Blair Waldorf

The Rambler

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I'd do that

I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.
- Ron White

The Rambler

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Things to do before your final set of exams for your Masters

Watch Men in Black (in 3D)
Watch the Euro Cup quarterfinals
Drink Cider
Watch an episode of MasterChef Australia
Oh... and study a bit

The Rambler

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What The Fuck Should I Make For Dinner?

What The Fuck Should I Make For Dinner?:

'via Blog this'

also, I come back after 2ish months and blogging has completely changed. Need to learn the new stuff again. Looks pretty though.

In the midst of a truckload of tension
The Rambler

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I Believe

When you are young, Work to Learn. Not to Earn.
-Robert Kiyosaki

The Rambler

Sunday, March 25, 2012

For all the introverts out there

From one introvert to others

A proud introvert
The Rambler

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Sitting amidst volatility models, significance tests, utilities and investor wealth, thinking about the bigger scheme of things

The Rambler

Panic? Me?

With the last assignment of the term due and a Scotland trip to look forward to, this is exactly how I feel.

The Rambler

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

From Dead Poet's society

My two favorite lines of the movie:

Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams,
and I'll show you a happy man.

But only in their dreams can man be truly free.
'Twas always thus, and always thus will be.

The Rambler

From Vernon God Little

" I sense a learning: that much dumber people than you end up in charge. Look at the way things are. I'm no fucken genius or anything, but these spazzos are in charge of my every twitch. What I'm starting to think is maybe only the dumb are safe in this world, the ones who roam with the herd, without thinking about every little thing. But see me? I have to think about every little fucken thing. "

The Rambler

The mind

Let the mind not be burdened, let it think and see
Let it discriminate by its wishes, see it be free
Let it be representative of you, your being, your soul
Let it be a part of you, let it be your whole.

The Rambler

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Poetry of the Samurai

Poetry of the Samurai:

'via Blog this'

My favorite:
Death poems
are mere delusion-
death is death.

The Rambler

Simply being Calvin

I can't get enough of them.
Off to read more Calvin and Hobbes
The Rambler

Saturday, February 18, 2012

So true

It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them!

Friedrich Nietzsche

The Rambler

MIKA - Happy Ending (Long Version) - YouTube

MIKA - Happy Ending (Long Version) - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

One of my favorite songs!
Listening to it on a saturday morning when in fact I should be working.
The Rambler

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Divorces and Independence

What utter bullshit. Excuse my language, but as a female, who believes she is strongly independent, I am mighty well offended by this absolutely nonsensical measure of my independence.
More broken homes is not something that we should celebrate. If you are so independent. don't marry in the first place. Or at least find out about the guy you are marrying. Do a background check. We have enough jobless PIs for that. If he is a jerk after marriage, there is a high probability that he was one before marriage too.
While I am not for or against marriage or believe in the sanctum sanctorum of marriage, I just feel that feminism does not need bullshit like this. If you want to celebrate the independence of women, look at their achievements in politics, education, etc and not just how many divorces they have had. Divorces is something quite unfortunate that any family for that matter could be subject to. And celebrating something like this just reeks of immaturity. 
People blame it on the so called system of arranged marriages in India. But, arranged marriages have the lowest rate of failure. Trust me, they are a good thing.
Also, if the woman is independent enough, she would say no before entering the marriage and not after committing to the marriage. I mean, any independent woman is smart enough to figure out during her engagement or courtship period whether she wants to be with him or not. If you can't have a conversation for more than 5 minutes, I think that's pretty much the red danger sign that the couples counselor would tell you about.  I am telling you about it for free. While we have a higher rate of divorces, we also do have higher engagement periods. So, why should it be so hard to figure out that you are not made for each other.
And you would know if you had an abusive boyfriend. There's no getting past that. You need to be either senseless or completely stupid to not see an abusive partner. And there aren't so many people with CIPA. I think. 
And for those of you who talk about compromising, you compromise with a lot of things. do you give all those things up? A lot more people would be without jobs if everyone stopped compromising. Just saying.
And like everything else, marriage needs work. If you think its as easy as eating cake, well then everyone is better off eating cake and not being married.
Anyway, I think the guy's talking bull. And since he's a writer for TOI, DEFINITELY bull. I am off to stare at the snowflakes
The Rambler

Valentine's Day: Date a man from the Far East as they spend the most on jewellery | Mail Online

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Not Fade Away: Against the Myth of American Decline - Brookings Institution

I didn't know there were so many poems on food

One of my favorite poems of all times

Aedh wishes for the Cloths of Heaven

Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

William butler yeats

Somehow seemed perfect for the first snow
The Rambler

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


It basically means not having the same variance. Its opposite, homoskedasticity means having the same variance.  Why do I need to know such big words for such simple things.
In the middle of an assignment
The Rambler

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Celebrating republic day with khichdi and hindi songs :)

So, Happy Republic day to all my fellow Indians. A day to be proud. I celebrated it by making Khichdi and listening to Hindi songs. :) Reminded me of home. Khichdi is one of those things you have when its cold or rainy. Especially on a holiday. So, was nice.
Anyway, I have taken to cooking in a big way. Like a really big way. I like cooking. It relaxes me. Pasta is kind of my staple dinner item coz its easy to make. But then I really miss Indian food. So, have started making that. Have made fried rice, dal and as of today khichdi. So... quite awesome. And since it saves me money, it appeals to the big stingy person inside me.
Plus, I end up cooking with people. So, its a nice way to meet and mix with people.

I don't know how much of the blogging I'll be able to do this term. I am really trying hard to be regular with my posts. But, as you can see, I've already been slack this past week, with this post coming in quite late. I am going to try to make atleast one post a week. But I can't promise anything.
I am trying to make a lot of other better decisions in my life too. Like eating healthy, getting some exercise. Studying to do well in the course. Working hard at everything. Sleeping at the right times and more importantly waking up at the right times. And trying not to shop too much (Though I am failing horribly at it!)
I also plan to pen at least one piece of poetry per month. My poetry book has been lying neglected for so long!
Also, I like my new short hair. So, I am thinking of keeping it short again. I know my mom will be very disappointed, but I REALLY like it!
Anyway, this post was supposed to be about India... And look at me. I have turned it into a post of resolutions which in most probability will be broken. No wonder I am a rambler.

Guess what? I am listening to the Dhoom title song!!!! I have put on this random playlist of hindi songs. And they are playing all these hindi songs. Its so awesome! Reminds me of these different ages when I heard all these songs. Reminds me of the different events of that time. The different friends. The different crushes. DO NOT ask me to sing these songs. Coz I will definitely get them wrong. The lyrics I mean. I know the tunes by heart. I don't exactly know why that is though.

Being Indian is a great feeling isn't it? I was just telling my Kenyan housemate about the Republic Day. I felt quite proud saying I am an Indian. Even with all its problems, India is quite kickass. :D
I should try and be like India. Totally kickass. :D
So, anyway, like I said, Happy Republic day. To India, the country which gave me the songs whose tunes will always remain with me. To the nation which gave me almost everything and everyone I know today. Cheers to the country where I was born!
Signing off
A proud Indian
The Rambler

An Overview of the Euro Crisis - Interactive Graphic -

Monday, January 16, 2012

Eurozone Bailout Downgraded By S&P To AA+


Seen the BBC show Sherlock? If you haven't, I command you to stop reading this post and go see the show first. Else, you will not understand why I am so crazy about it.
The show is brilliant! It has to be the best that the tv has to offer right now. I love Sherlock Holmes, I love Dr. Watson and I also love Moriarty. I actually like the showman Moriarty compared to the silent and brooding Dr. Moriarty from the original by Conan Doyle. I like how Moriarty creates drama and has a sense of showmanship about him. Take the latest episode for instance. How he creates all that ruckus at the Bank of England and the Pentonville prison and at the tower of London and just wears the crown and the robe and just sits there waiting for authorities to arrive and take him away... Just awesome fun. And such a tease!
And Sherlock!!! OMG. I was not as much a fan of the Conan Doyle version as I am of this guy. I mean, both of them are obviously super intelligent and all. But Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes was old and wise types and Benedict Cumberbatch is actually crushable. I love it when he looks at a person and figures it all out. :-) I want Benedict Cumberbatch as my boyfriend. Think he'll agree?
And I like Dr. Watson too. Absolutely perfect companion for Sherlock. And the last episode, I really liked it how he told Mycroft off.  Was super awesome!
But Season 2 is all over now. Sigh...
On the bright side, Sherlock is returning for a third season. Though, I will have to wait another year to find out how Sherlock faked his own death. I am going to truly and utterly miss you Sherlock. Come back soon. :-(
And seriously, those of you who haven't seen the show, go now... watch the first season and then the second season. Own it on DVD. Its one of those things you should keep. Absolutely fantastic!
Off to dream about Sherlock
The Rambler

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Merkel Is Wrong About EU Fiscal Regulation | Foreign Affairs

Japan’s trade balance: Seeing red | The Economist

China’s property market: Marriages and mergers | The Economist

Ratings downgrade: Average common denominator | The Economist

Bad Girl, Good Girl

I don't know if its the stress of the exams or something else... But I have recently discovered a new love for Korean girl bands. I LOVE them. I mean... I don't understand them. But I have love listening to them. In fact, I have even added them to my spotify playlist. That's how much of a fan I am of them. I keep them running on loop as I prod the never ending land of Economics.
And I am not shirking work right now... Just taking a tiny break. What am I supposed to do? I am really hungry and I have already had my dinner and 2 cups of tea after that. And I don't want to make anything now. So I am doing something that'll take my mind off the hunger and Economics really doesn't cut it. Hence, blogging and Korean girl band music. What a heavenly combination.
For all of you out there waiting to get addicted to Korean girl band music:
Hope you enjoy them.
Anyway, I should get ready for bed now. Have to wake up for classes for the new term. Can't be late for the first class of the new term.
Listening to one Miss A one last time before sleeping
The Rambler

Monday, January 9, 2012

Why is it not cold?

Ok... I am not complaining. I am just wondering out loud... Why is it not cold? Its supposed to be snowing now. We are reaching the middle of January and I don't see a single snowflake. I reiterate, I am not complaining. I like warm weather... Heck, I am in love with it. But I was just curious to see snow. The last time I saw snow was at Jungfrau in Switzerland. And that was quite some time back. I have since stayed in rather warm environs. No wonder, I can't stand the cold much.
Anyway, woke up at 7 today to find that it was still dark. Stayed up till 8 to find that it was still dark. Gave up hope of seeing light today and its 9 now and finally the world has lit up.
Thinking of getting some work done before the day goes to a complete waste
Getting ready for the day
The Rambler

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Joys of the early morning tea

I sit on the chair at six in the morning
Groggy eyed, half asleep me
And yet with rapt attention I smell
The whiff of the early morning tea

Is there anything better than the early morning tea? A hot cup of the Darjeeling. The first flush. Isn't it just heaven? I mean, what's better to wake you up and get you going for the rest of the day. And all those caffeine addicts out there, DO NOT SAY COFFEE!
I am NOT a coffee person. It does not help me stay awake ever. Everytime I  have coffee, I end up falling asleep. Plus, I need copious amounts of saccharine in my coffee. On the other hand, I like to enjoy my tea without milk and very little sugar.
Yes, I am a tea addict. And proudly so. I think it runs in the family. Which is a good thing.
And I am probably going to write about the late evening tea as well.
Anyway, need to stop romanticizing the tea and get some work done. Oh, and you did guess correctly. I was enjoying my cup of early morning tea while writing this. Tea does bring out the poet in me.
Till my next cup of tea
The Rambler
P.S. The Darjeeling tea is Oolong even though it is marketed as Black. Fun fact of the day!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Isn't 2012 supposed to be the year the world comes to an end? Why is everyone wishing Happy New Year? O.o
The Rambler