I am waiting for gossip girl to come and hence this post.
ah well...3.5 years of campus life comes to an end tomorrow. To all those who care, bye and to all those who don't, bye as well.
But this isn't going to be a sad emotional moving to tears post, mainly because I don't think I will be able to write that stuff. But also because its no fun writing it. Unless I'm all sad and shit.
It's been an eventful campus life to say the least. I've found new friends, lost some and regained some. But there are some very rich experiences that I will be taking away from campus life and I just thought that I would write them down somewhere. So that when I'm old and wrinkly and I read this, then it can bring a smile to my wrinkled face.
1. Singing love songs and scandalizing people with Liza
2. Going for fish to Bonnie's with Rameez and Syam.
3.Discussing Top Chef with Salil and everything under the sun with Sneha.
4. My occasional visits to the night canteen.
5. Pissing everyone off by switching off the lights at 10 in the night in the corridor.
6. Making coffee and making Lakshmy drink it.
7. Listening to Rachana ramble.
8. Asking loads of people to wake me up.
9. Playing with Priya's blue pillow.
10. Cleaning my room...occasionally and learning to use the broom from Malvika.
11. Waking people up :D
12. Cursing a certain someone with Pooja.
13. Trying to get Venkat to treat me.
14. Sitting in ENI classes with Ann and Mounika.
15. Gtalk on campus and facebook in the holidays.
blargh... I'm bored. I don't think I can write anymore than that. But I thank all thee who were present during the various periods in my life. Campus life wouldn't have been same. I don't know if it was for the better or the worse but nevertheless it was always fun.
All the campus gossip made it totally worth it. And I owe to this campus my love for Gossip Girl. If I hadn't come to this campus, I don't know if I would've know or fallen in love with the Chuck Bass. So thank you. And thank you also for the innumerable shows that I have been introduced to and have grown to love/like/dislike.
Ah well, I leave tomorrow. To all those who care, bye and to all those who don't, bye as well.
Don't expect me to write a poem about campus life. Ain't that bored. Actually I am but I can't find the creative streak in me right now...so never mind.
As I say it,
Waiting for... I don't know what...I guess Gossip Girl
The Rambler
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Have a presentation to present but am feeling very lazy. All I am waiting for is Saturday, when I can go have nice sweet fish. I love the fact that I was born a bong solely for the fact that I learnt to appreciate fish.
I wasn't always such a huge fan of seafood. But once converted, I haven't been able to give up on it. The sole reason I cannot turn vegetarian is SEAFOOD.
I know the poor fish are creatures who live and is prolly immoral to eat them. But then I never asked them to be so tasty.
I could easily give up meats of different kinds but seafood...don't even ask me.
Well, this ain't a long post. One of the many smaller posts that I will post while attempting to finish my presentation.
Should get to work.
Waiting for Saturday
The Rambler
I wasn't always such a huge fan of seafood. But once converted, I haven't been able to give up on it. The sole reason I cannot turn vegetarian is SEAFOOD.
I know the poor fish are creatures who live and is prolly immoral to eat them. But then I never asked them to be so tasty.
I could easily give up meats of different kinds but seafood...don't even ask me.
Well, this ain't a long post. One of the many smaller posts that I will post while attempting to finish my presentation.
Should get to work.
Waiting for Saturday
The Rambler
Thursday, November 18, 2010
cat today
am listening to Signs by bloc party over and over and over again.
The Rambler
am listening to Signs by bloc party over and over and over again.
The Rambler
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
from bombay
Ah well... I am in Bombay right now... and I had the most heavenly Blueberry cheesecake from Theobroma. It was simply divine. Sadly it was just a slice... :(
2 more days till CAT...sigh.
I am actually glad. The thing will be over and so will the sem eventually and I can go meet my cousins. :D
Yeah...Thats something I like.
Haven't been able to wake up early for quite a few days...quite sad. I am never able to wake up early at home. I blame it on the bed and not my laziness. Its just not possible for my laziness to increase by such a huge amount at home.
I feel like the lazy cat in the pic. Except I don't need the beer or the TV to feel that lazy.

I wish I could be like Calvin and Hobbes in the summer. All they do is laze around.
I really love reading Calvin and Hobbes. It makes me laugh and smile and just feel so happy after reading it.
And poor poor Calvin's parents. No wonder his dad comes up with the most inane of concoctions to explain Calvin's questions. His poor mother...How can she still have all the hair on her head with a child like Calvin.
But then I can't get enough of Calvin and Hobbes. Its quite addictive. Maybe I should get another of their books. Its so much fun to read and its something one can read over and over again.
If I am talking about laziness, it would be sacrilege to leave Garfield out of that conversation. Its amazing how such an obnoxious being can also be so adorable. I mean its really fun to read about the way he troubles Jon and Odie. Also, I really really wish I could eat the amount he does. sigh... And my fascination for Lasagne has grown all thanks to this fat feline being. I mean there's no way I could handle a pet like Garfield and trust me, it has more to do with the fact that he is troublesome than with the fact that I am a dog person (I think). But then, I don't mind him troubling Jon. :P. As the cat famous for hating Mondays, he has made me look forward to them, coz the newspapers doesn't carry the Garfield strip on Sundays.
From CAT to a fictional feline character... wow, can I ramble. Maybe I should do something worthwhile. Once in a while. Or maybe not. Who cares
Signing off
Waiting for Nov 20th
The Rambler
2 more days till CAT...sigh.
I am actually glad. The thing will be over and so will the sem eventually and I can go meet my cousins. :D
Yeah...Thats something I like.
Haven't been able to wake up early for quite a few days...quite sad. I am never able to wake up early at home. I blame it on the bed and not my laziness. Its just not possible for my laziness to increase by such a huge amount at home.
I feel like the lazy cat in the pic. Except I don't need the beer or the TV to feel that lazy.

I wish I could be like Calvin and Hobbes in the summer. All they do is laze around.
I really love reading Calvin and Hobbes. It makes me laugh and smile and just feel so happy after reading it.
And poor poor Calvin's parents. No wonder his dad comes up with the most inane of concoctions to explain Calvin's questions. His poor mother...How can she still have all the hair on her head with a child like Calvin.
But then I can't get enough of Calvin and Hobbes. Its quite addictive. Maybe I should get another of their books. Its so much fun to read and its something one can read over and over again.
If I am talking about laziness, it would be sacrilege to leave Garfield out of that conversation. Its amazing how such an obnoxious being can also be so adorable. I mean its really fun to read about the way he troubles Jon and Odie. Also, I really really wish I could eat the amount he does. sigh... And my fascination for Lasagne has grown all thanks to this fat feline being. I mean there's no way I could handle a pet like Garfield and trust me, it has more to do with the fact that he is troublesome than with the fact that I am a dog person (I think). But then, I don't mind him troubling Jon. :P. As the cat famous for hating Mondays, he has made me look forward to them, coz the newspapers doesn't carry the Garfield strip on Sundays.
From CAT to a fictional feline character... wow, can I ramble. Maybe I should do something worthwhile. Once in a while. Or maybe not. Who cares
Signing off
Waiting for Nov 20th
The Rambler
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Hello again...
There's no electricity in the hostel. I hate it when electricity goes. Especially when my laptop has next to no charge. Ah well... The things we deal with. Atleast the geyser was working.
Yeah...I feel like whining. And since I can't disturb Sneha... I am whining on my blog. Best of luck to her for her DECO exam today.
Sigh...I am really bored. Maybe I should get one of those, "life" they call it I think. But then why waste so much cash when one can just sleep instead.
There are ants near my window. Must be the rum and the raisin that I am eating. Wonder if they walk straight when drunk. Maybe I should empty the Eucalyptus oil bottle on them. Moov works as an effective ant repellant. But I am out of Moov right now. Sigh. The hardships I face everyday.
Ah brilliant... The lan is cut off as well. What a wonderful morning. Atleast I am going home.
I am sleepy... I think. Or just plain lazy.
I officially have nothing to do now since I'll have to shut my comp in a few minutes... How very brilliant.
Waiting for some light
The Rambler
There's no electricity in the hostel. I hate it when electricity goes. Especially when my laptop has next to no charge. Ah well... The things we deal with. Atleast the geyser was working.
Yeah...I feel like whining. And since I can't disturb Sneha... I am whining on my blog. Best of luck to her for her DECO exam today.
Sigh...I am really bored. Maybe I should get one of those, "life" they call it I think. But then why waste so much cash when one can just sleep instead.
There are ants near my window. Must be the rum and the raisin that I am eating. Wonder if they walk straight when drunk. Maybe I should empty the Eucalyptus oil bottle on them. Moov works as an effective ant repellant. But I am out of Moov right now. Sigh. The hardships I face everyday.
Ah brilliant... The lan is cut off as well. What a wonderful morning. Atleast I am going home.
I am sleepy... I think. Or just plain lazy.
I officially have nothing to do now since I'll have to shut my comp in a few minutes... How very brilliant.
Waiting for some light
The Rambler
Good morning
Its 10 minutes to 5 in the morning. The hostel is empty and desolate. I think pretty much everyone is sleeping. I've just finished my cup of tea and thinking of what to do next. So instead of studying I choose to write a post. I am working on another post about chefs but am too lazy to work on that right now.
I like the wispy breeze of the morning which filters in through the window. I like the silence where all I can hear is the sound of me typing of the keyboard. Its soothing.
I go home today. For seven days. Should be fun. Home always is.
Mornings are usually later at home because my days also end later. But I like the early mornings at home too. As I sit beside my window, watching the sky get brighter slowly, I am captivated. At times I think I like these little things about nature too much. But then, can you blame me for it? The morning sunrise when accompanied with the cold silence, is the most relaxing thing. As I look out of my room, I see the dark water of the seas gain color.
My favorite mornings are the ones when its cloudy. The black clouds combined with the grey waters make it such a beautiful sight. And then there are the fishermen boats. They add to the otherwise dull color scheme with their bright reds and powerful yellows.
I love sitting by my window at home and watching the sun rise and add color to the dark.
Sometimes the water recedes and I can see the brown sand. I see kids and fishermen scurrying around to take the fish that are lying on the wet sand. And then as the sun rises and the day progresses, the water comes in and the fishermen return to their boats.
People go for walks early morning. I can see them walking/jogging on Marine Drive. All striving to provide themselves with a healthy life. Maybe I should also do it. Or maybe not. I do like to get some some exercise, but find running/walking too boring. I would rather play something. And I would rather spend the sunrise looking at the sunrise and enjoying it rather than exercising.
My previous post was about dusk. I still maintain, dusk is my favorite time of the day. But then sunrise has its own appeal. After all, its the first phase of the day once you are awake.
Its 10 minutes past 5 now. I should get going. Sunrise is usually around 6. So shall wait and see traces of it through my window.
As the morning tries to hold on
To the last strands of the night
The gentle heat of the morning sun
Makes sunrise a soothing sight
The leaves turn from black to green
Some color outside my square window
Its not something I haven't seen
But yet something that I can't igno'
Waiting for sunrise
The Rambler
Its 10 minutes to 5 in the morning. The hostel is empty and desolate. I think pretty much everyone is sleeping. I've just finished my cup of tea and thinking of what to do next. So instead of studying I choose to write a post. I am working on another post about chefs but am too lazy to work on that right now.
I like the wispy breeze of the morning which filters in through the window. I like the silence where all I can hear is the sound of me typing of the keyboard. Its soothing.
I go home today. For seven days. Should be fun. Home always is.
Mornings are usually later at home because my days also end later. But I like the early mornings at home too. As I sit beside my window, watching the sky get brighter slowly, I am captivated. At times I think I like these little things about nature too much. But then, can you blame me for it? The morning sunrise when accompanied with the cold silence, is the most relaxing thing. As I look out of my room, I see the dark water of the seas gain color.
My favorite mornings are the ones when its cloudy. The black clouds combined with the grey waters make it such a beautiful sight. And then there are the fishermen boats. They add to the otherwise dull color scheme with their bright reds and powerful yellows.
I love sitting by my window at home and watching the sun rise and add color to the dark.
Sometimes the water recedes and I can see the brown sand. I see kids and fishermen scurrying around to take the fish that are lying on the wet sand. And then as the sun rises and the day progresses, the water comes in and the fishermen return to their boats.
People go for walks early morning. I can see them walking/jogging on Marine Drive. All striving to provide themselves with a healthy life. Maybe I should also do it. Or maybe not. I do like to get some some exercise, but find running/walking too boring. I would rather play something. And I would rather spend the sunrise looking at the sunrise and enjoying it rather than exercising.
My previous post was about dusk. I still maintain, dusk is my favorite time of the day. But then sunrise has its own appeal. After all, its the first phase of the day once you are awake.
Its 10 minutes past 5 now. I should get going. Sunrise is usually around 6. So shall wait and see traces of it through my window.
As the morning tries to hold on
To the last strands of the night
The gentle heat of the morning sun
Makes sunrise a soothing sight
The leaves turn from black to green
Some color outside my square window
Its not something I haven't seen
But yet something that I can't igno'
Waiting for sunrise
The Rambler

The weather outside is beautiful. The orange atmosphere is inspiring and soothing at the same time. While I sit in my dark room with just the table lamp on, I can't help being mesmerized by the orange of this 6 o'clock sun.
Its not the deep orange of the later dusk nor the bright yellow of the fiery afternoon. Its this nice mellow in between. And if you stay outside for the entire duration you won't even realize as the yellow fades away and is replaced by a deeper, redder orange and as the orange gives way to the final darkness of the night.
The leaves of the Banana tree outside my window seem to have acquired a different shade of green. They have been cleaned from the rain in the afternoon. The afternoon rain is another one of my favorite things that nature produces. Just when the afternoon heat has gone beyond what one can bear, does the rain come in soothing the heated ground and the frayed nerves.
The sky is acquiring a deeper orange as I type this out. The last traces of yellow remain in the sky. Actually, even those seem to have disappeared. Its orange. Dusk is finally here. Soon it'll be evening and then night and then the morning after and time for me to return home.
People like dawn. I prefer the dusk. Its the time of the day when you are tired and the soothing change in color can soothe and erase the tension of an otherwise hectic day. Dawn fires us for the upcoming day. Dusk rejuvenates us. There is a certain element of romance in dusk which appeals to the poet in me.
The sky is a deep orange now. More like a blood orange. Soon the sky will become dark with the last traces of orange and red drawn on the black sky with the help of a pencil. The sky turns a deeper shade with each passing second. A hue of purple seems to be ingraining itself into the sky. More like indigo. Sometimes I wonder if I just imagine these colors. But to me, these colors make dusk the most beautiful time of the day for me. I love the progression from the bright yellow to the dark black.
Its getting dark now... I think I should switch the lights back on. Maybe get some work done. But I still want to hold on the last traces of dusk till it is too dark to see the green of the Banana leaves outside my window. I want to wait till the leaves become black and intermix with the darkness around them.
Waiting for tomorrow's dusk
The Rambler
Friday, November 12, 2010
The perfect life
1. wake up
2. eat good food
3. go back to sleep
4. wake up
5. go for a long ride in your Bugatti Veyron
The Rambler
p.s. Yes, I am very bored. Should study for CAT
2. eat good food
3. go back to sleep
4. wake up
5. go for a long ride in your Bugatti Veyron
The Rambler
p.s. Yes, I am very bored. Should study for CAT
old blogs
Was going through some of my old blog posts... Can't believe I used yoyo... :-|
The Rambler
The Rambler

okay...so much for keeping my blog up to date... A year it has been again. Maybe I should make this an annual event. Then maybe I might start writing regularly. Nyah... don't think so. Too lazy to take up something serious like a blog. But i think I shall add one more reminder to my numerous other reminders, which i generally ignore.
Anyway, nothing great or life changing has happened to me in the last one year. Except the trip to London which I was allowed to make on my own. :D And a sudden fascination for Chuck Bass and everything lace. Ok...Maybe Chuck Bass isn't a new fascination but Lace certainly is.
So...I shall dedicate this post to my two loves at the moment... Gossip Girl and Lace. And they intermix in the latest gossip girl episode with the dress that Serena wears... What a dress. But more about that later...
LACE... where do i even begin? It is the most heavenly of man's creations... Needle Lace from Burano or Bobbin Lace from Brussels...I love them all. I love lace on dresses and i love it on shoes. U give me anything with lace and there is a high probability that I will buy it. Its after all LACE... and FYI my favorite kind is needle lace. (For all those who want to send me gifts... :D)

But yeah...if I could, I would probably fill up my entire cupboard with everything lace. :D
Moving over to Gossip Girl... I really don't understand why I am hooked on the show. I mean its not the kind of tv show I watch. But then I can't seem to stop watching it. I have to admit I am addicted to the show. And the worst part is everyone seems to agree that I am Gossip Girl addict. :(
The best part about the show is CHUCK BASS... His character is extremely addictive. And I love Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf together or at war...sigh...
High doses of drama and bitchy behavior make the show worth watching. And to top it, the show showcases some of the best fashion on TV. Since it is about the UES, its not quite a surprise to see such good fashion on the show. The clothes, the jewellery, the shoes... I love it all. And I wish I could have it all...But right now I am just happy looking at it. :D
Well... That's about it. I don't think I am going to go much longer about these two... And i reiterate... I am not obsessed with either... Just a huge fan :D
In other news... this was my last sem on campus... And i think I annoyed pretty much everyone on campus by posting status messages about how I didn't have exams while they did. I leave this campus on 1st Dec... so to all of you out there... Sayonara
till my next post...
As she says it
The Rambler
p.s. the shoes are valentino pumps...I would love to own a pair
Chuck Bass,
Gossip Girl,
Things I like
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