Thursday, March 24, 2011

side note

My first attempt at cooking was a success. Shall post pics soon. Next on the list: Pumpkin Soup
Till my next cooking adventure
The Rambler

after a long time

Well, I know I am posting after a long time. Not my fault. Actually it is my fault, but I am trying to make some lame excuse if I can come up with it.
Anyway, I got lost at the station today. I also forgot where the first class compartment was, so I had to get into the second class compartment. No worries though. Not too many people wanted to get into the train. I guess it was coz it was only going to Dadar.
Anyway, I have noticed that a lot of people carry Blackberries in the train. Nice!
Also, stations and trains seem to be this place where couples meet, chit chat, go for a walk (in the train or station and not the proverbial park). Good for them I guess. This is what space constraints in a crowded city like Bombay does to you.
I have just realized that I haven't written poetry for a long time. A very long time. Sigh. This weekend then. Anyway, my plans for making macarons have been postponed to next weekend since my mom said my ingredients for macarons would disrupt her domestic expense plans. Plus, she doesn't trust me to make macarons. What hard times!
I was watching the top 10 diners on TLC (My absolutely favoritest channel EVER!) yesterday and I realized with shame that I still hadn't completed the list of my top chefs. Sigh. So many things to do. So little time.
I have begun compiling a list of books that I wanna read. The list already runs to some 10 pages long and I am nowhere near completing it. Of course those 10 pages are from my diary, but my diary ain't minuscule, so the list is PRETTY DAMN LONG. (Reminds me of a gossip girl line on PDA, but nevermind.)
Which reminds me its been so long since I have re-watched any of the gossip girl episodes. I wanna, but I am really not sure whether the show is family friendly or not. :P
Anyway, It returns, April 18th I think and Chuck will be chasing Blair. I am so gonna love it!!!!!!

After that digressiveness, let me come back to books. Aren't they the best things ever? I am currently reading One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the book is just so poetic. The poverty, the war, everything has a certain... let's say romance in it. I know, the book is extremely sexist. But then, I quite like it. Thank you Rameez for the book!
Anyway, I shall return to watching the match on my new HD TV. :D
The TV is the only reason I am watching the cricket match. I'd rather watch Tennis. Talking of tennis...Somdev Devarraman... good going!
And I absolutely hate Djokovic for defeating Nadal in the finals.:-|
Waiting for Chuck to chase Blair
The Rambler

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Ah well, I have decided to learn to cook now. It maybe a passing whim. But I am going to do it. So menu for tonight is Chicken with mushroom sauce and for the next weekend Macarons. :D
God Save my parents. :-|
Ah well, hopefully I should be able to come up with something tasty and which looks decent.
Anyway, I have decided to end my years in the dark world wher I don't know how to cook. And so it is. My parents will be the ones trying out my experiments. My condolences to them.
I have been known to love food most of my life. (yeah, there was a time when I was skinny and I hated eating. ) However, when it comes to cooking, sadly, I have shown my skills to be terrible. I mean, I know I make horrible coffee and I make poor Lakshmy (who is used to the comfort of filter coffee) drink it.
So now, the great new era has dawned. I shall become a super awesome chef. Prolly participate in masterchef and top chef. Or maybe not.
Anyway, to cook, I shall learn.
Right now is my research stage.
I am searching for good (and easy) chicken in mushroom sauce recipes. I tried looking up a Gordon Ramsey recipe, but it was too high funda for me. Sigh, if only good tasters were also good cooks. But alas...
Anyway, back to looking up recipes.
The Rambler

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I had just gotten off my train at Dadar, when all of sudden, there were these shouts. And I saw these two men hurling abuses at each other. Being the gossip queen that I am (Modesty is a waste of effort here. ) I immediately recognized what had the potential of being an amazing fight sequence. Better than any of the shit Hollywood produces. Much like Hugh Grant and Colin Firth's fight in Bridget Jones' Diary. Part 1 and 2! (sighhhhhhhhhh Colin Firth <3. But more about that later. ) Anyway, just like I had predicted (Damn...why is no one there when one predicts such amazing things. ) the two men started fighting like a bunch of girls. One of them was bald, so sadly there was no hair pulling. Anyway, after the verbal abuse, one of the guys challenged the other one. And the other one must've said "Yeah, I did! SO WHAT?" So, this bald guy went and slapped the non bald guy. And yeah, it was a slap. Not a punch, but a girlie slap. :) I guess, I'll have to agree with Hugh Grant. When men fight, they fight like a bunch of bitchy little girls.
So, anyway, I was on the staircase when the fight started. All of us on the staircase stopped. And all of us on the staircase turned. And all of us on the staircase listened. And all of us on the staircase saw. I guess... you get the idea by now.
Anyway, the people surrounding the two new guys were shouting out loud. But not one...yes... NOT EVEN ONE was trying to break up the fight. I would rather think they were encouraging it.
I myself would've liked to stay longer and observed it. But, sadly I think, a train arrived at that very particular moment and some guy shouted "chalo chalo" Hindi for keep going. So, alas, I had to leave the very engaging scene. And get onto the crowded bridge and make way to the outside of the station.
But fun it was. :P
Anyway, I am sitting here, typing away, drinking sprite and with a presentation due tomorrow.
But I'm happy.
Waiting for my next girlie man fight
The Rambler

Monday, March 14, 2011

Lost at Dadar station

Ah well, its 12:07 and here I am. Writing about my train adventures.
Well, I got lost at dadar station today. I was supposed to get down the stairway and get to platform 1. But, i missed the staircase and went to the other stairway which has exits for platforms 3 to 8. But I eventually found my way to the intended platform. I got into my train and made my way to the office. So, all's well that ends well. Anyway, I gotta deal with my parents now since they got all worked up coz I told them that I ran and caught the train. The trials and tribulations of a single child.
My mom has got it in her head to get me married by 26. :-| Being equally adamant, I have decided to marry at 40. And not just that, I shall marry a young guy (Mainly so that I can bully him around :P). Me and my mom are still haggling though. We have currently arrived at 35. We shall resume tomorrow.
I should find some time to read my mails. I have i guess 2000+ unread messages in one mail and 100+ in another. Sigh. The curse of signing up for each and every newsletter and offer that comes across. I know... I should probably have more self restraint. But what the heck. I can just delete all my messages. :D
Which reminds me... My phone's inbox never seems to get full... which in turn reminds me I have kept my phone in my parents room with an alarm at 4:00 am. Now, I would never wake up to that alarm. So, it doesn't really bother me. But I think I should remove it from my parents room. Sigh. I miss hostel life. I didn't really have to worry about waking anyone up. Everyone was such a deep sleeper. And in most cases, people were usually awake at that time. :(
Anyway, I shall go now.
Off to sneak into my parents room to retrieve my charging phone
The Rambler

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A sunday is sunday. Well, nothing great about it. Only thing is I know I am going to extremely esteemed institution. And I hope I can make the institution and my parents proud. :D
Ah well, to other things now.
I am not feeling hungry at all. Which is kind of sad for me since I love eating. And having this full feeling does not let me enjoy food to the fullest. Meh.
And I have to take a bath. The heater in my bathroom does not work properly... SO... I get lukewarm water. Blargh!
I got a french manicure so my nails look all pretty now. :D
Ah well, I don't really have anything to write about. I was reading about the Tsunami and it is so very sad. :(
Till I find something to write
The Rambler

Friday, March 11, 2011

And its done!

Oh well... It finally happened. I finally got an admit. So yay!
I just wanted to mention it once in my blog to remember this day
Till tomorrow
The Rambler

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Mr. Darcy

I am guilty of being absolutely and utterly crazy about Colin Firth. I mean, I don't even want to deny it. Why would I? Just look at him. Brooding, Handsome, Just purrrfect. Both as Mark and Fitzwilliam Darcy!!!!
He was absolutely perfect as Mr. Darcy in the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. But it wasn't Pride and Prejudice which made me fall in love with him. It was the ultimate spinster story, 'Bridget Jones' Diary'. I love that movie. And as much as I love Hugh Grant for making movies like Notting Hill, I love Colin Firth much more for being the irresistible Mr. Darcy both in Bridget Jones and Pride and Prejudice. And to watch two good looking men fight it out... Nothing can give greater joy to a woman than to see two good looking men fight over her. :P quite a narcissistic joy.
Yesterday I went on this huge Mr. Darcy binge and ended up watching Bridget Jones part 1 and 2 and the entire BBC series. It was pure ecstacy to watch Mr. Darcy in action in the BBC series. The Lake HOT!!!! But since my chances of a date with him seem relatively slim with him having a good looking wife and kids and the happy married life, I shall keep myself happy smiling while watching Colin Firth movies.
The recent craze for Colin Firth only started when I watched 'The King's Speech' this weekend. Brilliant movie. I absolutely loved watched it. And I did love Lionel more than the king. But then somehow the movie triggered a craving for Colin Firth movies. And so I did the needful and brought up a big internet bill. But what the hell, I can atleast have nice wonderful sweet Mr. Darcy dreams. :)
As much as I love bad boy Bass, there is something somewhere in Colin Firth's Mr. Darcy, that just gives him that extra point. :P
My last word on Colin Firth... One can never have enough of Mr. Darcy.
Ah well, I shall go find some other Colin Firth movie to watch. Maybe Shakespeare in love. Or Maybe I'll watch Pride and Prejudice all over again.
Till I find my Mr. Darcy
The Rambler

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New house, better luck?

Shifting done! More or less anyway.So, here I am at my new home. Typing away. My contribution to the shifting? zero...but don't tell my mom about it. :)
Anyway, I can see the sea link from my room. Its too windy in this house so all the balconies are rendered non functional during the evenings and the mid mornings. But the awesome terrace that this flat has... No sign of even a breeze there, while the gale tries to break down all the other windows in the house.
I have a huge dressing table in my room. I don't think I will need a chair to sit down in front of it and get ready. I can just sit on the table. :P
Well, I hope that this house gets me better luck. And I finally get into some school. The excruciating wait is just annoying and getting on my nerves more than anything else.
Waiting for the one admit that has my name
The Rambler

Saturday, March 5, 2011

go read...

Bye Bye Cuffe Parade :'(

At the risk of sounding much like a snob, I am really sad to be leaving Cuffe Parade. I just loved this place. And of course, the sound of it. :P
Anyway, packing is in full swing. And I am of course contributing to the shifting chaos. Net was down was a few days, so unfortunately I could not blog. But anyhow, I am here now. So YAY!!!!
I gotta go tho. Can't really sit here and type away while my parents pack.
Till I type from the new house
The Rambler