Monday, June 27, 2011

HBO is awesome

HBO is awesome! Like really really awesome. :D :D It shows all the new movies and more specifically movies which I like watching :D :D So totally cool. :D
Yesterday I was watching Kick Ass on HBO. Have you seen the movie? I absolutely love it! My friends hate it though. :(
Also HBO will be showing the movies which are based on the Millenium series. Too cool na?
Off to watch HBO
The Rambler

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where did the monsoons go?

Where in the whole wide world did the monsoons disappear? Its so hot right now in Bombay and we are nearing the end of June. Its supposed to be raining. That too torrential rain; not light showers. >.<
I need rain and I need it now! Its getting very annoying without the rains to gaze at romantically during the month of June. Or have zero visibility. Or see all the water on the roads.
The terrace of the new house gets awesome rains. :D Its completely open and the you can get drenched just standing out in the terrace. I used to do so on the pretext of getting the cane chairs inside. But now my mom had permanently shifted the cane chairs to the balconies which don't get as much rainfall. Imagine my disappointment.
Tomorrow I go back to school. To visit my teachers and all. Don't worry I am not going back to repeat some of my classes like that sitcom that used to come to star world whose name for some particularly annoying reason I can't remember now. >.<
Anyway, like I said, I am going back to school to check out how its been since I left. And then hopefully get Arrested Development.
And hopefully there will be some rain Saturday onwards.
Waiting for the skies to pour
The Rambler

Sunday, June 19, 2011


This occurred to me yesterday on the way from Dadar to VT:

Ever used the JJ or the recently inaugurated Lalbaug Flyover?
A peep into the homes along, new worlds you discover
The total state of mess that one house resides gleefully in
The pink and white walls, surrounding the kids making a din
The man who sits by the window as I go forth and back
The mother watching the TV as she prepares a light snack
Some have beautiful interiors, some have decaying walls
You can see these worlds better when traffic slowly crawls
And as I get down from the last one, to home back again
The world from the lower heights seems so boring and plain

The Rambler

Lemon Tart

Made Lemon tart yesterday on account of Father's day. :D Came out pretty well. Okay... maybe the crust on the sides got a little more brown than I intended it to. But it tastes awesome. Sometimes I think I should just open a Boulangerie in Paris and settle down. :) Nice life, right? Sipping wine and eating bread in the evening made with my own hands... Ah... only if life could be such. But alas, that's not happening.
Till I open a bakery in France
The Rambler

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My first Bengali Slang word

For those of you unaware, I am a bengali. And proud to be one. Mostly coz of the food. And I guess, a little because of the culture. Anyway, a few days back, I learnt my first Bengali slang word.
Here's how it happened

I wanted to eat maggi and I kept telling my mom, "Give me maaagi"
That in bengali apparently stands for a slut or something like that. My mom told me to not say it but she wouldn't tell me what it meant.
So i kept saying it. Finally she told me to shut me up.
Anyway, I am so proud of myself for finally having learnt one Bengali slang word. 
Off to squeeze some other slang words out of my parents.
The Rambler

X Men First Class and James McAvoy

I just came back home after watching X Men First Class. It was too good. It was also my first X Men movie. I mean I've seen bits and parts of the previous movies on TV. Mostly coz of Hugh Jackman. And I did go to see this movie mostly coz of James McAvoy. But then, I loved the movie. It was absolutely marvelous.
And have I ever told you how much I absolutely adore James McAvoy? I don't know why. But I think... no I'm quite certain I have a huge crush on him. And I don't know why.
Anyway, in case you are a James McAvoy fan too, watch Penelope and Atonement. I have Becoming Jane too. But I haven't seen it as yet. Therefore, shan't recommend it right now.
Anyhow, go watch X Men First Class. Is quite awesome. I need to get hold of the other X Men movies now.
Off to dream about James McAvoy
The Rambler

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just nothing

Well, the rains went and came back again. Its wonderful again. I refused to post anything on my blog till the rains didn't come back. Nyah, nothing like that. I was feeling lazy. As usual. Anyway, done with my project for my internship. Just 4 more working days left for my internship. And that too shall pass. Eventually. Gotta start working on my 3000 piece puzzle in the meanwhile.
Did I tell you? The entire thing fell down. :( All the hardwork wiped away with a gust of wind. Sigh. Had to build the entire thing again.
Oh... and seen this new location thing? I can actually post where I am posting from. So cool! Damn! It should've come when I was in Goa too.
Anyway, I don't have anything particularly important or worthwhile to say. There has been a major increase in the number of women criticizing "blondes" as other women generally like to refer to them as. But I really don't know what the hype is about? I know I get bored if I am stuck with them for more than an hour (And I am a very patient person). But I don't get why anything they do pisses other people off. Everyone has a right to do what they want and all that blah. And I guess everyone has a right to say what they want also. But seriously, if it annoys you SO much, then just don't add them to your facebook account or wherever on the internet they are pissing you off. So Simple no? I am pretty much a genius.
Speaking of no... Nadal won :D :D He's the second youngest to win his tenth grand slam. Will do. I don't mind. As long as he keeps winning them until I can afford a Wimbledon ticket. A more interesting fact about Nadal... He's the first tennis player to model for Armani. He replaced Christiano Ronaldo and David Beckham... I think. Anyway, a photo:
Too hot no? Check out the Armani jeans video too. 
Off to watch easy virtue now. God... I love Colin Firth.
The Rambler

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Yes... I know I haven't really written anything for a very long time. My cousins had come visiting and I was busy hanging out with them and taking their case occasionally. But it was quite nice. We took a trip to Shirdi. And also a trip to Jiggs Kalra at Phoenix Mills (God I love that place!) The best part about the entire meal? The Paan shot at the end.
Anyway, the first rains have finally arrived in Mumbai. Reminds me of this poem I wrote quite sometime back. I guess... I'll put it up now. I hope you like it.

Its titled "The Tempest":

The rain, sinister and callous, surged
The clouds, laden and ominous, poured
The beads, chaste and sheer, fell
From the night firmament towards hell
They cleansed the terrain, the foliage
As if washing away the transgressions and rage
From the arena of contemporary mankind
To ameliorate our digression from the redundant grind
The divinity, showing its wrath
At the narcissistic verve, the soul sought
The thunder, vociferous and antagonistic
The lightning, assailing and frenetic
Striking the hapless milieu
A providence which was not due
The riotous shower showered ceaselessly
As it changed its tenor to benign and kindly
It then, caressed the earth, with an ardour
That was bereft of its bygone gleam of fervour
And as the storm reckoned to a tranquil
I drifted into another world by my window sill

I just love the smell after the first rains.
Waiting to see more of the Monsoons,
The Rambler